Top 13 Spring Cleaning Tips

You can hire someone to do a deep cleaning of your home, but there is nothing like the feeling of putting in the sweat and hard work to clean your house and making it less likely that you will let your home get messy again. If this is your first time doing a spring deep cleaning, congratulations, you are adulting!

Having a clean and fresh home, especially with the start of the spring season will make everything seem brighter after the dark and stuffy days of winter. Spring cleaning your home doesn’t have to be a drag, as long as you have a strategy to be able to efficiently clean your home. 

This article will help you to get organized and get your home fresh, clean, and tidy. 

Plan Ahead

So you’re ready to clean but where do you start? Is to create a plan of action so you know what needs to be done and how you will address it. Sit down with a pen and paper and list out the rooms in your home. Then write down the task that needs to be done. If you want to get down into deeper detail, you can write down the type of supplies that you will need to clean that area of your home. 

Schedule Time To Clean

Now that you know what needs to be cleaned, then it’s time to schedule our time. If you’re overwhelmed with the amount of cleaning that needs to be done, schedule twenty minutes of focused time to clean one area of your home. If that area is cleaning up the junk mail off of your dining room table or tidying up your bedroom, then start there. 

Get Cleaning Inspiration

Having a little bit of inspiration on your cleaning adventure is the best way to motivate yourself. Pinterest, Tik Tok, and Youtube have a plethora of cleaning and organizing influencers that will inspire you to step up your game on cleaning. I created a board on Pinterest and saved cleaning and organizing tips and my ideal organization for my house. 

Tackle One Room At A Time

Take one room on at a time and spread out cleaning and organizing over the weekend or over several days. 

Declutter Your Home- Donate, Keep, or Trash Pile 

One of my favorite things to do when I’m stressed or anxious is to declutter around the house. There are few items that I would have a hard time giving away, but there are plenty of you that struggle with knowing when to let go of an item. The first step to decluttering is to start in one room and remove everything from the area of focus (closet, pantry, or medicine cabinet).

Grab two trash bags and start to separate items that you will donate, trash, or keep. Once you are done sorting through your items, then wipe down the cabinet or drawers and return the items to their new home. Then immediately take the items to donate to the Goodwill or dropbox. 

A few questions to ask yourself are:

  • Have I used this item in a year? 
  • If I was shopping right now, would I buy this item again?
  • If it’s broken, is it worth it to fix it?

Start With Your Easiest Room First-Top To Bottom 

Clean the easiest room first and start cleaning from the top (removing cobwebs, wiping down blinds, and washing your walls, etc). All the dust from cleaning light fixtures and removing cobwebs can be sweeped up last.

Remove Items From Countertops, Move Appliances & Furniture

Put in the extra effort and move furniture, countertops, and furniture. If an appliance is too heavy to move on your own, enlist the help of a family member or friend. 

Clean Light Fixtures & Filters 

Life hack: Clean your light fixtures every other month. Schedule a reminder in your calendar to wash your light fixture cover. This makes your yearly spring cleaning so much easier. 

Clean Drains With Vinegar & Baking Soda

Do you ever get those pesky little nats in your kitchen and can’t seem to get rid of them? An easy fix to keep your home smelling fresh and clean is to sprinkle ½ a cup of baking soda in your drains and then pour the vinegar over the baking soda. The chemical reaction will bubble and remove any gunk from your drains and prevent the nats from laying eggs in your drain and breeding a new generation of pests!

Wash Your Walls

I’m not afraid of this, but I learned this tip on Tik Tok! Did you know that you can wash your walls with a mop? Well, I didn’t and it blew my mind! You can wash your walls with a gentle cleaner but make sure to wring out your mop until it’s almost dry. The mop that I use is the O Cedar Easy wring mop.

Pro tip: By two mop heads, one for the floor and another for the walls. You will never go back to wiping down your walls by hand ever again. 

Sort Items By Color 

This life changing hack I have to give credit to The Home Edit team. I get anxiety when things are messy and the bookcase at my house has been driving me nuts for years. Then I learned the tip of color coding items at home helped tremendously. There is something calming about having all of my books organized by their colors. Give it a try!

Don’t Forget To Clean Your Car & Office Space 

Make sure to take time to clean out your car and office space. The car is one the hardest places to keep cleaning while you’re running errands, work, and dropping off the kids at their activities. 

Clean Your Vacuum Cleaner 

Have you noticed that your vacuum cleaner smells a little funky? That’s because your vacuum cleaner also needs to be cleaned out. This is another great spring cleaning tip that I learned on TikTok influencer. Read your vacuum cleaner manual for cleaning instructions.

Get a Professional Cleaner If Necessary

If you have an overwhelming mess or physically can’t clean, then you may need to invest in a professional cleaner. This might be expensive but it can be a huge help and even learn a few tricks on how to do a better job taking care of your home. 

Use these tips to get you started and establish a weekly cleaning routine to keep your home calm and orderly. If you enjoyed this article then you definitely want to read 10 Reasons Why I Love Spring.

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