30 Time Saving Tips For Weekly Activities

Do you find yourself procrastinating and wasting time during the week? Do you feel like your wasting time and being unproductive? In the blog “Time Saving Tips For Weekly Activities, I share some of my go-to tips to save time and spend more time doing the things I enjoy.

Some of these ideas I learned from my Mom. My Mom somehow managed to raise four daughters, work multiple jobs on the night shift, and made sure we had food and clean home. She had me trained to get up by myself, get dressed, and make my own lunch for school by the time I was in 1st grade. 

For some moms or working women, these strategies may not work for them, or they might have to adapt them to fit their lifestyle.

1. Layout your clothes the night before. My mom taught me this when I was a kid, and I still do it. I lay out my clothes, underwear, shoes, and makeup bag to get ready when I’m still groggy. I can get up and out of the house in less than 30 minutes 

2. Meal prep for the week on Sunday.

3. Organize your home into stations and put everything in its place. This will make it easier for you to find what you need.

4. Color code your phone apps. This tip came from girls at The Home Edit. It makes finding apps easier to find.

5. 30 minutes before the end of the workday write down the task you need to do the next day. I also write down what I need to do for the following week on Fridays.

6. Keep a bullet journal to write down important facts and notes so it’s all in one place and will be easier to locate if someone asks a question.

7. Stock up on essentials that you use the most and start a back stock at home. I created a back stock for all my favorite bath soaps, deodorant, toothpaste, makeup wipes. So I won’t need to go to the store in the middle of the week. 

8. Take advantage of grocery delivery, cleaning, and laundry services so you can focus on more important tasks.

9. Hire a virtual assistant- I recently hired a virtual assistant who helps proofread and schedule my social media post, and I love it! It gives me more time to focus on writing blogs and creating a month’s worth of social media content.

10. Schedule blocks of uninterrupted time to focus on your work. I personally sit in my car after work and work on my blog content and have prayer time for two hours a day. 

11. Save time by eliminating time wasters in your life. If your with a co-worker who likes to stand around and chat, let them know at the beginning of the conversation that you only have a few minutes to talk and stick to it.

12. Color coordinate your clothes and label everything you need so you can find it when you need it. 

13. Plan ahead of you and try to get tasks done before they are due.

14. Automate your life and set reminders, so you don’t spend endless hours paying bills each month. 

15. Limit your time on social media. This is a hard one for me but I will spend 30 minutes after work catching up on social media and emails and that is it. For some reason putting my phone face down helps me not to be on it so much. Weird, but it works!

16. Pre-sort your clothes by colors with two laundry hampers. 

17. Use task apps on your phone and computer to create list 

18. Less talking, more work! If you can work quietly for 30 minutes you can get a lot more done and be present.

19. Brainstorm, make list, and write everything down and put them in order of priority 

20. Complete your biggest and time pressing task at the start of the day. Eat that frog! If you do that the rest of the day will be a breeze.

21. Say no to the things that are not a priority. 

22. Reduce the amount of time that you watch tv.

23. Make a reservation or appointment will save you tons of time waiting for a seat at a busy restaurant.

24.Pack extra clothes and shoes in the car for the gym, evening with friends, or work event. 

25. Don’t have time to read books? Use audible to listen to the latest books.

26. Take advantage of drive-up pickup at stores like Target and Walmart. I love it! I order what I need for the week and drive up, and pop the trunk. A few minutes later, you’re back on the road! 

27. If you have kids, make an area in the kitchen and refrigerator with healthy snacks that they can eat when they’re hungry. Kids love having responsibilities so train them early by sorting objects by colors or posting photos so they know they can put things in their proper place.

28.Set aside four hours in the weekend to knock out your errands in one swoop. Find a shopping center near your house where you can complete most of your essential errands. The essentials are the grocery store, bank, Dollar Store, Pharmacy, and post office. I’m lucky enough to live within a 5-minute radius of all my essential stores to get every need. It could also include my doctor’s and dentist’s offices!

29. Stock up on greeting cards, simple gifts like candles, bath sets, and wine. Re-gift is key for backup gifts for coworkers, housewarming gifts, and forgotten birthdays.

30. Decluttering your home and donating clothes and items that you haven’t used in the past three months will keep your home clean and organized and much easier to find what you need quickly.

If you enjoyed these helpful time-saving tips, check out my latest article, An Introverts Guide To Thriving In 2021.

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