Self-Care Tips For College Students
Are you a college student who needs to get your self-care on track? In this article, “Self-Care Tips For College Students,” I’ll provide simple self-care tips to help you stay healthy and benefits your physical and mental well-being.
If this is your first time away from home, it’s key to establish your own schedule or rules that help you feel comfortable, safe, and balanced now that you’re away from Mom and Dad. Learning these skills at this time of your life will impact your life and set you up for a balanced and happy lifestyle for years to come. So let’s dive into the self-care tips.
Stay Hydrated
With college comes the occasional night of drinking with your friends, and staying hydrated is critical so you can help boost energy, improve cognitive function, and add to digestion. So if you are low on energy during classes or studying, grab a cup of water and drink up instead of reaching for a salty snack.
Get 7-8 hours Of Sleep Tonight
When you are a college student, sleepless nights studying for exams or partying come with the territory; yes, you’re young and should enjoy your college experience. However, you do need to be mindful of your physical and mental health. Getting proper sleep each night will help you to focus on your studies, boost immunity, reduce stress, and improves your mood.
Keeping a consistent bedtime routine will help in maintaining a balanced sleep schedule. You can use your Apple Health app to send alerts to remind you when it’s time to wind down for bed and to track how many hours of sleep you get each night. Here are a few more tips to help you wind down and get a bed to better on time with ease.
- Time Management- Getting ahead of the game with scheduling specific times of day to focus on career, school, and health and wellness is important for you to
- Turn down the lights at least one hour before bed.
- Reduce electronics towards the end of the night to reduce the effects of blue lights.
- Slowly stretch your body.
- Read a book or journal if your racing thoughts keep you up at night
- Create a space that makes you feel calm and comfortable. Play soothing music or soundscapes in the background.
Eat Healthy, Nutritious Food
Eating healthy may not be the easiest thing to do when you are on a tight budget or tired and don’t feel like cooking dinner. Have you ever heard of freshman ten? This is commonly known to first-year students who gain ten pounds in their first year of college because they live on pizza and top ramen. Start a new trend and learn how to cook healthy meals. You can find great deals on fresh organic foods at Trader Joe’s or Farmers Market, and you can meal prep on Sunday, so all of your meals are pre-made, so all you have to do during the week is heat up your food. Turn this into a fun bonding activity to do with your friends. You will not only benefit from eating healthy food, but you will save a ton of money that you can save up for your life after college.
Drink In Moderation
In college, you’ll probably be exposed to alcohol and may experience peer pressure to drink to excess. It is important to remember that drinking is fine to do as long as you drink in moderation. You should enjoy your college experience but keep in mind that going to bars is expensive, excessive drinking can cause you to gain weight, and overdrinking can impair your judgment.
Make Time For Self-Care
You have to make time to connect to yourself. You can do this through meditation, going for a walk, or painting your nails. Do loving activities that will make you feel beautiful and empowered. If you need ideas on self-care tips, then check out Self-Care Ideas That You Can Do In 10 Minutes or Less.
In your journal, write down your thoughts, joys, wins, frustration, and adventures. Your college years will bring many lessons and growth as you become an adult. Writing is helpful when you have anxiety or feeling overwhelmed so you can get it out of your head and onto paper.
Keep A Structured Routine
So you head to college thinking that you have grown up and can lead your life the way you want. You can sleep in late or stay up as long as you want. However, this is a myth. Keeping a structured routine can ease the anxiety of the unknown and help to keep you focused on your goal, which is to pass your classes and graduate on time. This means waking up simultaneously and having scheduled blocked time to eat meals, exercise, study, or connect with your family.
Exercise Daily
Keeping a consistent workout schedule is essential for your physical and mental well-being. Most colleges have gyms that are free for students to attend and even college classes for credits like running club that can help you to stay in shape and help you to make new friends. You will get plenty of extra steps in while you walk to and from class on Campus as well.
Get Wise About Money
Knowledge is an important part of your self-care journey and helps you continue developing into the adult you always wanted to be. Unfortunately, college brings many financial decisions, such as student loans and credit cards, that are designed to trap students into years of debt. I highly encourage students to wise up and take a financial workshop on Campus or to watch expert finances such as Dave Ramsey. They have free or affordable tools for adults and students to learn how to balance a budget, pay off debt, and build a secure future.
Make Mental Health A Priority
Your mental health has to be a priority in your life, and there is no shame in asking for help if you are struggling with the transition to college life or feeling homesick for your family and friends. Colleges and universities offer free or affordable counseling to students, or they can refer you to affordable resources. Contact your college health office for additional resources if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression.
Self-care isn’t difficult, but you have to be intentional about making daily choices that support your health and well-being. Make sure to stay connected with your family and friends and utilize the resources on Campus if you need help. If you enjoyed these self-care tips, read A Sunday Night Routine For A Great Start To The Week.
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