9 Ways To Celebrate Holy Week At Home
The holiest time of year is here!I have 9 Ways to Celebrate Holy Week At Home. The Holy week began on Palm Sunday, and this year was bittersweet. Most of the country is on lockdown and churches are closed to due the Coronavirus pandemic.
Technology allows us to practice our faith from home.
Holy Week At Home
Each Holy Week I pray for a particular intention and this year will be no different. Please keep all those who have died or sick with COVID-19. Pray for the medical workers who are risking their lives to care for the sick..
Pray The Rosary
The Rosary is a beautiful way to walk through the events of Jesus life. Mary will hold your hand and bring you even closer to her son. The rosary is based on Holy Scriptures. Here is a link to how to pray the rosary https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/devotions/rosary-12703
Help Your Community
I typically am very active behinds the scenes. We don’t know if we will prepare the church for Holy Week.
There are other ways that you can help your community.
- Donate a meal for Medical Workers (if you order takeout ask if the restaurant has a program to feed medical workers)
- Remember your church (the church needs your weekly offering to continue to keep the lights on and pay the mortgage)
- Schedule an appointment to donate blood to the American Red Cross https://www.redcrossblood.org/
- Make surgical mask at home for medical workers. Here’s a link on how to make mask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm_NmpdgWWA
- Offer to buy groceries for elderly neighbors
- Stay connected friends and relatives via phone calls, text, or Zoom calls.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross is a powerful way to unite yourself with Christ. Completely embrace the Passion and envision yourself as one of the people in the crowd as Jesus carries the cross to Calvary.
Who would you be in the crowd?
Stations of the Cross is usually starts at noon on Good Friday. You can use Laudate App or your church may have a booklet called “The Way of the Cross”.
Watch EWTN Holy Week Coverage
Holy Week is the root of our Catholic faith and I can’t stress the importance of actively participating at home.
It’s powerful and you can open your bible or Laudate app and follow along as the events unfold.
It’s really like a history lesson and there is a reason for everything! I pray that Pope Francis does a Eucharistic procession through the streets of Rome!
Your love for Jesus in the Eucharist will grow after you see this.
Good Friday
Good Friday will have special meaning for Christian around the world this year. Here are some things you can do at home:
- Pray Stations of the Cross at home
- Hang a crucifix at your front door (to let people know your Christian)
- Pray the Divine Mercy chaplet for the dead at 3:00 p.m.
- Watch EWTN broadcasting the Good Friday Liturgy from Rome
- Fast and abstain from meat
- Join in the National Day of Prayer at 9 a.m. PST/12 p.m. EST.
- Be silent for one hour (starting at 3:00 p.m) to meditate on the Lord’s Passion
- Holy Hour with Jesus via virtual adoration chapel
The Joy Of The Easter Season
There is nothing like the joy of Easter! The joy on the faces of the the men and women who received baptism, confirmation and first Holy Communion is priceless. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to enjoy the Easter season like usual.
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused the cancellation of Easter mass.
I’m really sad that we won’t be able to celebrate as a church family and welcome new members into the church.
Watch The Passion Of The Christ
It took me a long time to actually get the courage to watch Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”. I heard that it was really graphic and hard to watch.
I faced my fear and watched the movie. The movie blew my mind! It gave me a new appreciation for the Lord’s Passion in a new way.
Jim Caviezel (Jesus) in the movie truly took on the role of Jesus Christ in real life. Google “The Passion of the Christ” or Jim Caviezel and watch some of his interviews. One of the best interviews was on EWTN. Jim really gets in depth with his process for taking on such a monumental role and events that happened behind the scenes.
Caviezel is a devout Catholic and added prayer and daily mass to his busy schedule.
Celebrate The Easter Octave
Easter is celebrated for 8 days! Enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the Easter season! Celebrate Easter with your family by preparing a delicious meal together. You can even connect with family via Zoom or FaceTime to get everyone involved.
Decorate your home with lily’s (if you can find some at the store).
Keep a candle lit for 8 Easter octave
Dress up at home as if you were going to Easter mass. You can watch mass on tv and pray as a family.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and forever! If you enjoyed this article, check out God’s Epic Answer To My Prayer http://www.samara-renee.com/2016/10/03/gods-epic-answer-to-my-prayer/
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