30 Day Glow Up Challenge

Get ready for a 30-day glow challenge to take you to the next level. It’s the beginning of the year, and it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your life and set new goals for yourself. This article will lay out a 30 glow-up challenge to help you integrate self-care and personal growth by making small changes in your life. 


One of the most important things you can do in this 30 day glow up challenge is stay active and move your body for at least 20 minutes a day. Rather it’s walking, lifting weights, or dancing exercises can not only keep you in shape but can boost your mood, improve your energy, and promote better sleep. One of the best exercises that you can do to maintain the youthful shape of your body is to strength train. Lifting weights helps you to gain lean muscle and will help you burn fat hours after your workout. 

Drink Water

An easy glow-up challenge tip is to drink at least a gallon of water a day. Drinking water will help you stay hydrated, promote clear skin, and even help increase your metabolism flush body waste. It is also essential for bodily functions and helps to lubricate your joints.

Replace sugar coffee drinks, soda, and juices with water and herbal tea and watch your energy levels sore. Staying hydrated is essential, especially if you’re focusing on improving your health. You might have to go to the restroom more, but it is definitely worth the inconvenience. 


Incorporating meditation and prayer into your glow-up routine has many positive benefits for your overall health. Benefits of meditation and prayer include increased happiness, decreased anxiety and depression, and improved memory—the more you pray or meditate, the greater the benefits. A helpful tip is to have a designated time to pray or meditate each day for a short period of time. Start with sitting in silence for 2-5 minutes. Then, slowly build your way up, and make sure to be patient with yourself. 

Write-In Your Gratitude Journal Daily

One of the best things that I learned from Oprah Winfrey is to keep a gratitude journal. Years ago, she recommended that her audience write five things they are grateful for each day. It took me years to start a gratitude journal and routinely write in my journal each day. But, since starting my gratitude journal in 2020, I haven’t stopped. Even the smallest things are worth writing down, even when you’re having a hard day.

Read A Book-Personal Growth

Being a lifelong learner is key to growing into the person you want to be. Find a topic you are interested in or learn from someone you admire and read for 30 minutes each day. Reading helps you strengthen your brain, builds vocabulary, and prevents cognitive decline.

Be One With Nature

Be one with nature and spend time enjoying the fresh air. Going for a walk or a hike in nature helps to improve your mental and physical health, boosts your mood, and calms your nerves. 


Take time to take care of yourself with your self-care routine. This could be taking more time for yourself, getting a facial each month, painting your nails, or spending time alone. Self-care is all about showing yourself love and making yourself a priority, so make sure that you reserve time for yourself each week. 

Cook At Home

Preparing your own meals at home will save you money and help you lose weight. Takeout food and frozen meals are high in sodium and fat and have limited nutritional value. Eating a diet rich in whole foods will improve your digestion, lower your body mass index, and give you control over your portions. 

Give Yourself A Daily Scalp Massage

A daily scalp massage can do wonders with your hair and scalp, especially if you wear your hair in ponytails, braids, or wigs. Massaging your scalp helps to release tension, promotes hair growth, and enhances blood circulation in the head and neck. 

Get Serious About Your Financials 

Okay, it’s time to stop f-ing around and get serious about your financial future. If you have student loans or credit card debt and no savings, it’s time to stop the madness and get it under control by setting a budget and sticking to it. I would recommend Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University if you have no idea how to manage your finances. You will get a step-by-step plan on how to create a budget, save $1,000 for an emergency fund, and a plan to pay off your debts with the debt snowball. Set a financial goal and stick with it, so you have no limits in life and provide security for yourself. 

Go To Bed At A Consistent Time

Go to bed simultaneously every night and establish a bedtime routine. This could be turning down the lights two hours before bedtime, reading a book, or massaging your skin with aromatherapy lotions. Do what works for you and go to bed!

Spread Kindness & Make Time To Laugh 

Be the light in the world to others by spreading kindness and erasing negativity from your life. Your peace of mind is important, and anyone that is causing you stress and anxiety has got to go. Be the first to smile at a stranger and send a text to a friend or family member that you haven’t seen in a long time. You never know who’s the life you can touch by being kind. 

Also, make time to laugh each day by listening to a funny podcast, watching your favorite show, or sharing a funny joke with a friend. 

Finish Your Incompletes

Write down all of your incomplete tasks and schedule a due date to have that task complete. Keeping your promises to yourself allows you to trust yourself more and free up your mind to access more creativity. 

No Make-up Day Once A Week

Take one day a week to go without make-up. Taking a day off helps your skin to have a break and is the perfect time to give yourself a facial. 

Write Down Your Goals

Write down your goals and create an action plan right now! Think of all the goals you would like to accomplish in the next 3-6 months and a year in finances, health, relationships, career, and personal growth.

Add a few of these tips into your weekly routine over the next 30 day, and you’ll be shining and flowing in no time! If you enjoyed this 30 day glow up challenge, check out my latest article, How To Set Self-Care Goals.

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