157 Things To Do When You’re Bored
Are you bored and don’t know what to do? In this article “157 Things To Do When You’re Bored” will help you solve that age-old problem on what to do when you’re bored. There are times when I find myself sitting at home and bored out of my mind. Especially over the past few months with social distancing, limited opportunities to go to social events. Finding a variety of ways to keep myself busy has become a fun game that I like to play.
Years ago, I had some kids at work complain that they were bored. I came up with a brilliant idea for the kids to make a list of ideas of activities to do when they get bored. The list started with goofy ideas like picking your nose and starting a booger collection, but eventually, they came up with some great ideas. We ended up printing the list and framing it. Any time the kids said they were bored, I could point to the list and tell them to find something to do. I’ve created this list for you because we should never allow ourselves to be bored for long.
Activities To Do When You’re Bored Guidelines
Activities to pull yourself out of boredom must bring you joy or provide a positive outcome. Check-in with your body and ask yourself what would feel right for me to do today.
Last week my energy was depleted, and I just wanted to spend time. So I went to my favorite quiet spot and sat in my car and wrote in my journal. That filled up over an hour in my day, and I felt recharged afterward. I wrote a whole blog in one hour! That is a personal best for me. Here are a few key points to creating foolproof guidelines when you’re bored.
Activities must be fun
I have to get some type of reward
The activity doesn’t take up too much time or energy
Clean & Organize
Reorganize your room
Clean out your closet
Wash your clothes
Clean and organic our desk
Clean out the medicine cabinet
Clean out kitchen cupboards
Wash your car
Clean out your car
Clean your bathroom
Clean out your refrigerator
Remove old apps from your smartphone
Donate old clothes to Goodwill
Pull weeds in your yard
Wash your house windows and screens
Empty your wallet and put spare change in a jar
Throw old mail and shred them
Plant succulents
Water your plants
Start a garden
Organize your photos into albums
Clean your hairbrushes
Wash makeup brushes
Organize your makeup
Throw out expired makeup
Wash baseboards
Vacuum rugs and vents
Declutter your house or garage
Reorganize your library
Update your contacts in your phone
Wash your bed sheets and quilts
Clean off icons on desktop computer
Clean your microwave
Clean your oven
Clear out your emails
Clean your cellphone
Learn how to feng shui your home
Cancel subscriptions that you don’t use anymore
Reorganize your Instagram account
Update your LinkedIn profile
Disinfect your mouse and keyboard
Wash your pillows or buy new ones
Organize your Pinterest boards (Check out my Pinterest boards)
Repaint your walls
Wash the outside of your cabinets
Self-Care & Personal Development
Read a book
Go for a hike
Go rock climbing
Go roller skating
Go camping
Go fishing
Ride bikes
Take a trip to the desert
Have a picnic
Take a walk
Lift weights
Do a dance video
Find a new recipe and cook it
Give yourself a facial
Go to the beach
Clean out your purse
Go bird watching
Visit a tide pool
Write an ebook
Create a slideshow of old family photos
Go to a farmers market
Go to the grocery store
Clean out your makeup bag
Paint your nail
Wash your hair
Write your mission statement
Take a nap
Go for a swim
Give yourself a massage
Give yourself a makeover
Spend time alone
Take a bath
Create a vision board
Write down your goals
Pluck your eyebrows
Practice your facial exercises
Revamp your resume
Write a bucket list
Make a list of unfinished task and complete them
Go on a nature walk in the mountains
Watch the sunset
Watch the moonrise
Go sky gazing and learn about constellations
Write a song or poetry
Take a webinar
Virtual speed dating
Watch a TED talk
Research your family tree
Google questions you’ve always wanted to be answered
Learn how to fix something on YouTube
Search for a new job
Start a blog
Start a YouTube channel
Read the bible
Play a brainteaser game
FaceTime a friend or family member
Start a gratitude journal
Update your budget
Learn how to cook your favorite meal
Bake your favorite dessert
Learn how to make bread from scratch
Get your human design chart
Take an online quiz
Go on a virtual tour of a museum
Arts & Entertainment Ideas
Go to a museum
Start a new Pinterest board
Paint a picture
Upcycle DIY Project
Color in an adult coloring book
Write a letter to a friend
Listen to music
Listen to an audiobook
Call a friend
Watch a movie
Binge watch a tv show on Netflix
Go for a long drive
Do a crossword puzzle
Play a board game with a friend
Plan a party
Create a short movie and post it on a YouTube
Learn how to make candles
Play an outside game
Watch old games on tv
Make a new playlist
Make jewelry
Do a decoupage art project
Learn how to knit
Learn how to sew
Do an at-home photoshoot
Watch a makeup tutorial
Plan a trip
Listen to a podcast
Learn how to make your favorite cocktail
Do some online shopping
Have a virtual date
Make a time capsule
Learn a new language
Unplug from social media for a day
Unplug from electronics for a day
Giving Back To The Community Ideas
Donate blood
Donate non-perishable foods to a food bank
Create care packages for military serviceman overseas
Make hygiene kits for the homeless
Make face mask and donate them to hospitals
Donate money to workers effected by COVID-19 work closures
Clean pews after church service
Buy groceries for senior citizens in your neighborhood
Check on elderly neighbors and talk to them from outside their home
Offer to help set up meal delivery services for family with a new baby
Make hand sanitizer and make cleaning kits for neighbors
If you enjoyed this article check out 50 Summer Bucket List Ideas.
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