Complete Guide To Your First Pole Dancing Class

Have you ever wanted to take a pole dancing class? Come on, and I know that you have secretly wanted to tap into this sensual side of yourself. In this blog, “Complete Guide To Your First Pole Dancing Class,” I’ll share my first experience taking a pole dancing class and why it could be a fun and positive way to improve your self-esteem and get your body in amazing shape.

Why I Wanted To Take The Class

Why would you want to take a pole dancing class?  I’m so glad that you asked that. Over the last few years, I’ve heard about pole dancing classes and have been curious about trying them. Unfortunately, pole dancing gets a bad wrap! The art of pole dancing is more than seductive moves, and it’s a physically demanding sport that takes strength and talent. I’ve taken plenty of dance classes for fun, but this class would challenge me to get out of my comfort zone. 

Another reason why I took this class is to build my self-confidence. My self-esteem has taken a hit over the past few years, and my goal is to feel good in my own skin.

My Weight Struggles

To be completely honest, I have not felt like myself recently. I have friends that don’t like how I talk about myself, but I don’t like lying to myself. So how can I tell myself that I look and feel good when I know that I don’t. On the other hand, I’ve had plenty of moments when I’ve looked in the mirror and felt good about myself. So please bear with me as I express my feelings about my weight struggles over the last few years.

My weight was stable for about a year until early 2020.  Working out 5-6 days a week without compromise. Having no life, and I desperately wanted a social life and even considered dating again. I wanted more balance in my life, so I reduced the number of days I spent at the gym.

Unfortunately, my weight slowly began to increase even though I was working out. It started with going out to restaurants more often with my friends and drinking more alcohol. Once the pandemic hit, I dedicated my day to working out at home or going on a hike.

My weight held steady until May 2020, when I returned to my old job. I used food to self-medicate the feelings of depression, loneliness, anxiety, and frustration that I stuffed down inside. In two months, I put on 30 lbs and continued to put on weight after starting my new job in July 2020.

The pandemic was a missed opportunity to get in the best shape of my life. Instead, I spent it putting on weight and using my facial covering as a way to shield the weight in my face. Now that life is getting back to “normal,” I can’t hide anymore. 

Who Is That?

Recently I saw a picture of myself from 2016 to now, and I look like two different people. My weight has fluctuated over the past few years, depending on the state of my mental health or stress. However, I’ve put on a significant amount of weight over the last year, and I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been.

Last week I was in the bathroom at church and walked to the sink to wash my hands. I looked in the mirror and didn’t even recognize myself. “Who is that?” I thought. A few seconds of looking at myself in the mirror flashed back to a moment I had a year ago when I looked into the mirror and liked what I saw.        

In January, I finally had enough! So I signed up for the free strength training classes that are being offered at work. I’ve been consistently showing up to class and have lost some body fat, but still struggling to shed the extra pounds.

After speaking with my friend, we decided to sign up for a pole dancing class. I thought it would be a great way to have a few laughs, dance to some fun music, and break a sweat. The only thing was that I wanted a private lesson. I wasn’t comfortable taking a group class with a group of half-dressed women. At some point, I may be comfortable taking a group class, but right now, that is not an option. 

Before The Class

A few days leading up to the class, I followed the dance studio on Instagram. I kept sharing clicks with my friend leaving via DM, and making comments such as “They expect me to do this!” We were actually really excited and looked forward to laughing out ourselves as we attempted to be “sexy.” However, when we arrived at the studio, it was in a business park with tinted windows. Knowing that people passing by wouldn’t be able to see inside easied some of my anxiety.

As we walked in, we were immediately met by purple and pink lights and a row of poles descending from the ceiling. 

The staff was cleaning the floors after a group class to prepare for our lessons. Our private dance instructor was waiting for us and spoke to us about the process for the lesson. She wanted us to relax and dance barefooted to get comfortable with the dance moves. We sat on the couch in the lounge area and looked at the Dollhouse swag for sale, which included midriff shirts, high-heeled stripper boots, hats, bras, panties, and sweat pants. I thought it would be cool to be comfortable enough to purchase a midriff shirt and wear it to class one day.

Let The Pole Dancing Begin

It was time to start our lesson! Our instructor came out from behind the desk, and I noticed that she was pregnant! She had us disinfect our poles with a spray and clean rag and turned on some upbeat music. Our instructor also asked us to take off our shoes and dance barefoot.

We began by stretching our bodies, and by the end of our warm-up, I was already sweating. After the warm-up, we learned some basic moves like hip rolls, struts around the pole, and fireman pole swings. Then, she broke down each step and encouraged us to practice the moves.

In some ways, the pole swing was reminiscent of being a kid playing on the playground. I let myself go and started to have fun spinning and focusing on getting my feet in the proper placement for the spin. I didn’t feel oversexualized like I thought I would. Some of the moves felt more natural than others, and I was shocked by how physically demanding this class was.

I had no thoughts about my body or what guy I would want to make these moves for. My only thoughts were to remember the choreography and what I needed to do to improve. It was a moment of learning how to be present, reignite my connection to my body, and allow myself to take up space.

I was most inspired by our instructor, who is six months pregnant, and doing all the dance moves with us. She was amazing and threw a couple of colorful words out to remind us that this was pole dancing class. “Tits out, ass out,” she said with a wink.

My friend and I giggled like schoolgirls and egged each other on when we saw each other getting into the dance moves.

After Pole Dancing Class

In the last ten minutes of class, we practiced the full routine and recorded it. It wasn’t the best performance. My friend and I laughed and cringed as we watched the video. We left the class feeling exhausted but proud of ourselves. We hung in there and danced our butts off. It wasn’t as bad as we thought, and it was nice that we had the studio to ourselves. We’re even thinking about taking private lessons regularly!

Our trainer shared her story with us on how she started pole dancing class after a breakup to keep herself busy and boost her self-esteem. She became obsessed with pole dancing and started attending classes 5-6 times a week. She even quit her day job to come work at the studio.

I don’t plan to quit my day job, but I can see how girls become obsessed with pole dancing. It’s more than just feeling sexy. It truly an empowering experience to push your body to the limit. You’re not only dancing, but you’re incorporating the pole as an extension of your body. 

Some may say, “How can a seeming good Catholic woman take a pole dancing class?” The lesson that I learned from the class is pole dancing is only for me. I have no plans to use these dance moves at a club or with my future significant other. I don’t plan to start a new career either.

This form of dance helps to connect the body and take up space in a way that I’m not used to. We are encouraged to be ourselves, and nobody is judging us for how we dance or dress. Being a natural introvert, I tend to want to shrink into the background and be forgotten. This studio allows you to build up your confidence over time and have a community of women to support you on your journey.

This is a full-body workout and not for the faint of heart. We didn’t wear high stripper heels, but I often wondered if wearing heels during our dance class would help me feel more confident when wearing heels in public? I’m not sure how I feel about wearing such high heels since I love to wear sandals or no shoes. 

Tips To Guide You For Your First Pole Dancing Class

  • Have fun and let go of your inhibitions! Remember that this class is an hour to focus on embracing your body and building your self-confidence.
  • Call the studio ahead of time so they can guide your on what to wear or bring. Each class is different and may require different clothing or equipment (knee pads).
  • If you are not comfortable taking a group class, try a private session. It might be more expensive than taking a group class, but it is a good way to try the class when you’re new to the world of poles.

If you’re looking for a class that will challenge you mentally, emotionally, and physically, pole dancing is for you. It will challenge your preconceived notions about pole dancers and give you whole new respect for their talent and strength.

If you enjoyed this guide, check out my latest blog Get Real: My Fitness Journey.

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