How I Create A Blog Post
There are millions of blogs on the internet, but each blogger has their own method to create a blog post of compelling content. In this article, I’ll answer the most commonly asked questions regarding my process for creating content. I’ll cover how I come up with blog posts, how I stay consistent with my writing, what keeps me motivated to continue blogging, and advice for anyone interested in starting their own blog.
Why Did I Start Blogging
I’ve been blogging for over a decade because it was the closest version to journaling and sharing a piece of myself with the world. I’m a private and quiet person, but a part of me wanted to share my story and opinions with the world and share my truth.
My first blog was on Tumblr and called “Don’t Do It Girl San Diego”. The blog focused on sharing tips for dating and the lessons that I learned from making bad decisions. I had a decent following on Tumblr, but I wanted to take my blog to the next level.
Don’t Do It Girl was a fun blog, but I also wanted to write about my faith journey that didn’t fit the blog’s theme. Hence my decision to change my blog to Samara-Renee.com in 2016. The brand change allowed me to create a blog focused on all things that represent my faith, lifestyle, adventures, and self-care.
My blog continues to evolve and is still a work in progress.
How I Get My Ideas For Blog Post
When I’m working on blog post ideas, I start with a sheet of paper and brainstorm ideas that spark my interest and passion.
Each blog I write has to be a topic that I’m excited about, so I stay motivated to write. If I struggle with writing a post, it’s usually because my heart isn’t into it.
Another way that I get content ideas is on Pinterest, World events, recent trends, personal experiences, holidays, or Google.
After coming up with ideas, I put them on my social media calendar in OneNote and wrote one new post a week. I’ll create an outline in a journal or write notes in Trello if I’m on the run. This allows me to transfer ideas to a Google doc and start with the layout of the subtitles, introduction, main content for each topic, and finish with the conclusion.
Where Do I Blog?
I’ve tried writing at home on my laptop and had minimal success with writing, but I find that if I’m home, I’m distracted by noisy neighbors, the television, or make an excuse not to write.
The most successful environment that I create a blog post in is in my car. Yes, that’s right! All of my juicy blog content is created while sitting in a dark parking lot each week on my iPhone.
There is an abbey that I go to that’s a mile from my job on the top of the hill. I’ve been going up here for years. It’s usually quiet with little distractions except for the occasional monk walking by or nearby a handsome church-going marine. It’s a perfect setting and has views of the ocean, beautiful sunsets, and moonrise, and has a walking trail if I need to take a walk and clear my head.
What Keeps You Motivated To Write After All These Years?
I’m motivated to create a blog post each week because I love to write. In addition, I’ve received some great feedback from followers, friends, and family over the years that has really touched me. I never realized that so many people actually read my blog post. My ultimate dream is to blog full time and share my inner wisdom and message about self-care and self-love with millions of people worldwide and uplift others.
I want women to learn how to value themselves, put themselves first, and unapologetically be their true authentic selves.
How Do You Write Consistently?
Posting blogs consistently has always been a challenge until the world shuts down during the pandemic. Though the world was falling apart, I had my writing to keep me sane. Finally, I had more time to focus on my blog and write and got myself into a nice routine with planning and executing blog posts and social media content.
Working a full-time job doesn’t make it easy, but I have a weekly goal to write one blog. Then, if I’m passionate about it, I can sit down and write it in under an hour. I’ve also used tricks to help me stay focused, like the Forest productivity app and sitting in my car to write.
What Advice Would You Give Someone If They Wanted To Start A Blog?
Just start it! You can create a blog on any platform in under an hour. The key is creating compelling content and writing consistently. Another key is promoting your blog. I’m still working to increase my readership and I’ve been blogging for years. It takes time to know that you won’t be successful or make money right away.
To be a blogger or social media influencer is a long-term commitment. Ultimately if you’re truly passionate about writing, you will write even if no one ever sees any of your articles.
Schedule time to write every day. You don’t have to type a blog post. You can brainstorm, make a list of ideas, journal, or write a story. Just keep writing!
Lastly, you don’t have to be a perfect writer with perfect grammar to be a blogger. Do the best you can, spell check before you post, and be yourself.
Who Keeps You Accountable?
I’ve never been a fan of accountability buddies. I prefer to work independently and have the discipline to stay focused.
This year, I decided that it might be good for one of my friends and me to be accountability buddies. She is a songwriter, and I’m a blogger. We typically check in once a week depending on what’s happening in our lives and report what we’ve done all week. I hate meeting up with her and having nothing new to report.
Another way that I’m accountable is I have a weekly deadline to provide content for my virtual assistant to post on Fridays. It also helps to know that I can write my blog post and that she will proofread it before it’s posted.
There you have it! My most common asked questions regarding my blogging processes. If you’re just starting out as a blogger there is a lot of information. My last piece of advice is to just get started. Create your blogging account and introduce yourself to the world. You have a story to tell and your the only one who can write it!
If you enjoyed this article, check out my latest blog, How To Stay Motivated To Blog During The Summer and subscribe to my newsletter.

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