Fall Day In The Life
Come along for an inside look at my fall day in the life. Fall is a wonderful time of year. Even though the seasonal changes and fall colors aren’t as brilliant and colorful in California as on the east coast. There are plenty of reasons to enjoy the fall season no matter where you are. With the changing of the seasons and daylight savings, several steps to my routine help me to feel balanced and happy.
Fall Morning Routine
One of the reasons why I love fall so much is being able to wake up in darkness and see the moon out while I’m getting ready for work. The light from the rising sun gently wakes me up before the sound of the alarm and is a wonderful start to the day. I tend to add seasonal items to my breakfast menu during the fall. My usual breakfast is cereal with nuts or a quesadilla. I can make and eat on the road. But this is an opportunity to add fruits that are in season, like apples, to your breakfast.
I love fall because my wardrobe is easy, cozy, and comfortable. With knee-length boots and sweaters to stay warm in the chilly morning. It usually doesn’t get too cold in California. But having a scarf to wrap around your neck is always nearby, just in case.
On My Way To Work
My prayer and meditation life is pretty standard and hasn’t changed much. I may say different prayers depending on the time or year. Saying my daily prayers as I drive off to work is comforting. It’s a great way to start the day.
Enjoy the crisp morning air as I drive to work and listen to podcasts.
Arrive at work, write down daily affirmations, and write my to-do’s. I usually write these down the night before and transfer them into my daily planner.
Spice up your lunchtime with freshly prepared meals from home. Have fun with seasonal fruits and vegetables like squash, pumpkin, and apples in your diet. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef to add some variety to your diet. For example, try turkey-wrapped apple slices with hummus, or bring some leftover beef stew filled with potatoes, squash, or chili. There are plenty of quick and easy fall recipe ideas that are comfy and delicious on Food Network.
Health and Fitness – Final Push Before The End Of The Year
After work is my time to focus on myself and the things that bring me joy. It’s easy to get in a rut, but having a consistent schedule keeps you on track. Sure it’s fun to go out with friends or take a vacation. But it doesn’t take much to fall off the health and wellness wagon.
Enjoy the darker nights with evening walks in a safe area with plenty of foot traffic. It’s also a great time to change your daily routine to include outdoor activities like hiking, park workouts, and walking while the weather is cool.
It’s also important that you challenge yourself to get up and out of the house. You may find yourself making excuses about why you can’t work out with shorter daylight hours. This is precisely why it’s important to be consistent with your health and wellness no matter what. With winter coming, you must be just as vigilant to keep moving and make exercise fun to stay motivated. Join a fitness challenge online or at work, or try a new fitness class at the gym.
Power Hour For Self-Improvement
Expand your knowledge, especially if you’re spending more time inside to focus on learning something new. Like a new language, brain teasers, and being reminded of podcasts or audiobooks. Fill your mind with positive things that move you one step closer to your goals. One thing that helps me to spend a small amount of time moving closer to my goals is to use time blocking and schedule time for 20 minutes to focus on that task. I even do this to help me stay focused while writing my weekly blogs.
All it takes is 20 minutes of focused time on reading, writing, researching, making phone calls, or exercising, which can make a difference over the year. If you can block out one hour for yourself each day and spend 10 or 20 minutes focusing on areas of your life that you would like to improve on, then do it.
If you’re working or have children, then you can move this time to a point in the day that works best for you. For example, several years ago, I met a Mom at work who was a fitness athlete. Her body was in amazing shape, and she competed in fitness competitions worldwide. When I asked her how she could balance raising two active boys, running a business, studying to become a certified trainer, and spending time with her husband, she said, “I adjust my schedule to make it work. I get up an hour early before my kids, and I work out, and if I’m in competition season, I work out after they go to bed or when they’re at school. If you really want something, you have to be intentional in everything that you do.”
Her advice really stuck with me and I continue to refine my life to focus on continuing to grow by scheduling out time to focus on things that interest me or help me take a step towards a goal.
Fall Night Time Routine
Depending on where you are in the world, fall weather may look different, so adjusting your skincare routine for the fall is up to you. My routine is pretty simple: wipe off my makeup with two Neutrogena makeup wipes, and then I get my facial cleaning brush, put a dap of Ordinary makeup remover cleanser, and wash my face. Lastly, I washed my face with a Cerva facial cleanser to remove any lingering makeup residue and rehydrate my skin. Then, of course, if the weather is dry and hot in California, I may add a light moisturizer or serum before bed, but that’s it!
Before bed, I usually watch an old classic movie, write positive affirmations in my gratitude journal, say my prayers, and hit the hay!
What does your fall daily routine look like for you? I’d love to hear from you and learn what your life looks like through your eyes. Leave a comment below on your fall routine. If you enjoyed this blog, you’ll love October Plan With Me.
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