6 Foolproof Ways To Embrace Being Single
This might be one of the most important blogs that I write. So many people are single and deal with a constant state of feeling lonely. It especially difficult when it seems like everyone around you is getting married or doing something wonderful in their life. It’s easy to get depressed and angry about your life, and it’s okay to have those feelings. What’s not okay, is to continue to dwell in that anger and depression for a long period of time. I can honestly say that I’m an expert in this area of single-hood because, I am single and have been for awhile. Most of the time it’s been by choice, but it’s hard to see everyone else moving on with their lives and your still waiting on the sidelines.
In this post I’ll share with you some of my tips that I use to combat loneliness. My hope is that this information might uplift someone who is going through a rough time and feels like the only person alive that’s single or someone that’s looking for a fun way to embrace being on their own. Don’t make being single a death sentence! Sometimes being alone is the best gift that you can have because you have time to focus on getting to know who you are and doing things that you otherwise might not be able to do if you are married or in a relationship.
Designate A Personal Me-Day
This was an idea that I came up with because I took off every Friday this summer and I didn’t want to sit at home being bored and sad. So, I designated Friday’s as my “Me-Day”. I spend the day doing what I want to do and no one is invited! I’ve taken myself out to lunch or dinner at high-end restaurants, museums, tea and summer isn’t over yet. I might even throw in a visit to a nude beach just for kicks! This is a fun way to celebrate everything that is great about you and do what makes you happy. I don’t have many friends that geek out on going to science museums or art and it’s especially nice that I don’t have to be on a time crunch or trying to please someone else by moving on to another exhibit when I’m not ready. Is it lonely to go to a restaurant alone….yes…is it cool…yes.
I have some waiters ask if I’m waiting for someone else, and I proudly say “No, just me today”. Then I go on to say that I’m having a special day just for me. This is also another way to meet other people and get out of your comfort zone. I’ll go into detail about my experience during my recent “Me-Day” on an upcoming blog. I’m not sure where my next adventure should be, so if you have an idea of somewhere fun that I can go in Southern California please leave a comment below.
Do Something A Little Nutty
This is the perfect time for you to do something completely random and nutty. Are dating apps not working out for you? Why not try going to a meet up group or better yet try speed dating. I’m actually going to go to a speed dating event in about a week, and I’ll be sure to report my experience. I figure that since I haven’t had any luck on dating websites or from the events that I go to with our diocese that I might try something completely ridiculous just to laugh at myself and hopefully drag a friend along for the ride. You never know who you might meet and if it sucks at least it will make for a good blog or Instagram post.
Help Those Less Fortunate
Use the extra time that you have to help those less fortunate. There are countless opportunities to volunteer, just google volunteer opportunities in your area and go. Honestly I feel so much better when I’m helping others and seeing God in others. Be the person that you always wanted to be, doing the things that you always wanted to do, and you never know if you might meet your new best friend at an event or your future husband or wife.
Spend Time With God
Sometimes God allows for certain situations to happen because He wants you for a bigger mission. It’s a mission that only you can fulfill and God needs your full attention. To hear God’s voice, sometimes you have to get away from the hustle and bustle of the world and get away. I spend a lot of time alone because I honestly prefer it. I’m an introvert and I have to go within to recharge my batteries. Sometimes you have to be still in order to clearly hear what God has planned for you. This could be meditation, a walk, or writing in a journal, but making time for your soul to connect with the Creator of the Universe is something everyone must do.
Be Grateful For Being Single
It’s hard to tell someone who really wants to be loved and in a healthy relationship to have gratitude for being single. Honestly it gets really old…but there are times when being single has its perks. Personally, I enjoy having time to go to the gym or spend as much time as I want at church. I also don’t envy parents that have a sick child and have to clean up their throw up in the middle of the night. I can go anywhere I want, whenever I want because I’m free to do so. I’m not responsible for anyone else except for myself. Having freedom to be completely open to new opportunities to move or travel is all available to us singles .
Tell God thank you when your able to go home and have a quick evening or going out with friends and sharing a meal and not having to get home because the babysitter has to leave. It’s not easy being single but it does have it’s rewards.
Get To Know Yourself And What You Really Want In A Spouse
This time is yours, and it’s a great time to get to know yourself really, really well. Use this time to
focus on what’s important to you and what brings you joy. Also, spend sometime preparing yourself for the person that God may have for you. I’ve been single for five years (give or take a few guys that I shouldn’t have dated), and I know what I want in a husband. My list seems to get longer every day, but my standards have gone up over the years. Don’t feel like you have to rush to find someone because everyone else is. If you follow everyone else you’ll end up divorced like everyone else. Take the road less traveled and let God guide you.
I hope this blog post has been helpful, and I look forward to hearing your comments. If your single have fun with it and embrace it!
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