12 Helpful Tips To Help You Manage Your Anxiety
Have you been feeling anxious or struggling with panic attacks? You are not alone, millions of women deal with persistent anxiety and panic attacks. In this article, I will share my experience with how I manage my anxiety and panic attacks and tips that you can implement into your life now so you can begin to heal.
My Journey With Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Since I was a kid I’ve always been painfully shy and never enjoyed having attention on me. However, going into high school kicked up my fear and anxiety to a whole new level. Maybe it was the insecurity in knowing that I wasn’t like the other girls and that I could never compete with my older sibling’s popularity and success in high school.
Every day that I woke up one more time at 14 years old and couldn’t breathe. This went on every day for weeks, but I didn’t mention it to my mom. I didn’t want her to make a big deal out of it. So I went to the best source at the time…Teen Magazine and read an article on anxiety and panic attacks. This article confirmed that shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, racing thoughts of doom, hyperventilating, were all symptoms of anxiety with underlying depression.
Closing your eyes and being still can be a helpful tool in managing anxiety. Confronting your negative self-talk and diving deep into the reason why you’re so anxious. Is it being brought on by a traumatic event, stress, and even anger? Taking a few minutes a day to see what is causing your distress and to breathe through the moment.
The healing power of silence can restore your soul and calm your body from overstimulating, boost creativity, and aid with concentration.
Breath Work
You may not notice this, but when you get stressed they tend to hold their breath. Practicing breathwork techniques like box breathing to release stress and toxins from the body. Breathwork benefits include reduction of stress, improve immune system response, and alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder.
EFT for Managing Anxiety
EFT(Emotional Freedom technique) tapping technique focuses on tapping twelve meridian points on the body to relieve stress or emotion of negative experience. This alternative treatment for emotional and physical distress helps to balance your body’s energy by identifying the stressors, recalling the experience, and acknowledging the issue while tapping the twelve meridian points and going through the sequence. At the end of the sequence you evaluate the intensity level of the fear or anxiety that remains.
EFT is a powerful technique-if you have anxiety I would encourage you to check out EFT tapping videos on How to Tap with Jessica Ortner
Going For A Walk
Have you ever heard the saying that taking a walk can be a solution to most of your problems? Going out for a brisk walk during times of anxiety is not only beneficial for your body but can help disrupt your racing thoughts. If possible, take a walk in nature and enjoy the scenery and solitude.
Rapid Eye Movement Therapy
Eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing therapy and several studies have shown that this therapy is effective, specifically for trauma. During a session with a healthcare provider, they will walk you through different memories to help you identify one or more specific negative images, thoughts and body sensations. Next, a therapist will focus on the positive belief that you want to build as you process this memory, body scan, and closure and stabilization phase.
Did you know that journaling not only helps to improve your mental health but helps you boost your emotional intelligence? Processing your thoughts on paper and getting out the negative thoughts that are in your head. Even creating a list or writing down random thoughts can greatly reduce your anxiety.
Having a therapist on your health care team can be a critical asset on your way to wellness. Seeing a good therapist can help you improve your communication skills, treat mental health conditions, and develop coping skills.
Positive Affirmations
Reviewing positive affirmations every day is an intentional way to focus on your goals and to replace limiting beliefs. To create positive affirmations you can write them in a journal or index cards or record a voice memo that you can listen to in the car. The key is to say them out loud at least twice a day and feel the feelings of joy as you visualize your highest self.
If you’re really struggling with panic attacks and anxiety medication can be a great option in combination with seeing a therapist and self-care. Talk to your doctor or therapist and they will evaluate you to see if you’re a candidate for medication. Depending on the medication, there may be side effects, but talking to your doctor can help you make an informed decision.
Gain Knowledge
Knowledge is power and when you know better, you do better. Learn about anxiety disorder by researching online from credible sources or go to an expert who specializes in anxiety disorder to learn all that you can.
Sound Bath or Music – Javanese Gamelan
The healing sounds of bells can have a positive impact on easing anxiety. In college I took a Javenese Gamelan class. Javense music comes from Indonesia and Bali.
This beautiful music consists of its orchestra has over sixty instruments including gongs, drums, and wooden flutes. The soothing resonance of the instruments left me with a greater sense of well-being.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, just breathe. Take one small step and add one or two of these tips into your life, you can learn how to manage your anxiety and panic attacks! If you enjoyed this article, then I know that you’ll enjoy (insert blog title here).
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