11 Ways To Have Fun Being Alone
Are you a person who thrives being alone or a guy or gal that surrounds yourself with as many people as possible, so you don’t have to be alone? There is value to spending a few moments, hours, or days with yourself, and I want to give you the confidence and encouragement to take some time to enjoy the simple moments in life going solo.
For some, going solo and spending time alone might be scary and a little intimating. However, once you begin to incorporate short sessions of alone time doing things that you enjoy or using that time to enrich your mind and your soul, you will begin to crave more and more time focused on nurturing yourself.
You might be wondering how you can fit in alone time when you have a career, children, and a spouse or partner to whom you need to give equal time. In this article, “11 Ways To Have Fun Being Alone,” I’ll share a list of my favorite things ways to rejuvenate my energy and make the most out of the limited hours to take care of yourself.
Sitting In Solitude
One of the most healing things you can do is sit silently and completely still. This can be done anywhere. I often do this in my car, sitting in a chair, or sitting in an empty church. This can be challenging for most people because you must sit and listen to your thoughts. You don’t have to do this for a long period of time. Close your eyes, sit up straight with your feet on the floor and your hands resting gently on your legs. Try sitting for one or two minutes and slowly work your way up to longer periods of time.
Solo Walk In Nature
The joy of walking in nature and solitude evokes peace and solitude. Find a quiet trail or walk in your neighborhood when there isn’t much traffic and walk and observe the trees, listen to the birds, and focus on being in the present moment. Of course, it’s up to you how fast you want to work, but scanning your environment for things that you may not have noticed before can make you smile.
Take Yourself To Dinner or Lunch
If you haven’t taken yourself to dinner or lunch and enjoyed a meal or a glass of wine solo, then you are missing out! This is one of my favorite things to do. Why depend on friends or your significant other to take you out or try new restaurants when you can take yourself and take as long as you want to eat? Practice sitting at the table and savoring your food and enjoying your own company.
Solo Wine Tasting
You might notice a theme in this post; I’m all about drinking, shopping, and eating. But I’m not going to lie. I do enjoy drinking solo. It gives you a chance to get out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and try delicious wine. Just be responsible and have a designated driver, Uber, or stay for several hours at the winery until you sober up.
Spa Day
Nothing like a spa day to make you feel like a queen! Spa treats aren’t for the rich and famous but are something every woman should do for herself. Treat yourself to a spa treatment or massage at least once a year. One of my favorite things to do for my birthday is to have a spa day. I can take my time and relax and not worry about having to accommodate anyone else.
If you’re on a budget, you can find great deals on Groupon and cosmetology schools, or you can save up over time and treat yourself to annual spa days. Of course, you can always do a DIY spa day at home, but having someone to care for you so you can forget your worries is beneficial.
Day Trip To A New Town
Suppose you’re looking for an adventure, then it’s time to hit the road and explore another city. It could be near or far as long as you get out of your comfort zone and see new scenery. There are great ideas online and an oldie, but goodie AAA has plenty of resources for fun road trips that won’t break the bank.
Solo Trip Abroad
This is one of the tips that I need to add to my bucket list, which is to travel abroad. I know that you think this isn’t the safest tip, but there are plenty of travel groups you can join to offset the travel cost and making new friends.
Go To A Concert
Jam out to your favorite singer and band and enjoy a concert. This is another one of my favorite past times to go to concerts on my own. It’s an opportunity to make new friends and have the best seat in the house because you’re paying for it.
Expand your mind by reading good books. It’s important to be a life-long learner and read a variety of subjects that you’re interested in. Don’t have time to read? Then subscribe to apps like Audible to listen to books while on the road or to work out.
Speaking of working out, this is another way to focus on your health and destress. For some, this might be intimidating but believe it or not, you will see better results and get more out of your workouts if you workout solo instead of with a friend.
Go To A Museum
Visiting a local museum is a wonderful solo adventure to learn about topics that interest you and make for an inexpensive date with yourself. One of my favorite solo dates was to go to Natural History Museum and have dinner at the Prado in San Diego. It’s empowering to be able to do things on your own to bring yourself joy.
I hope that some of these ideas will help to inspire you to look at spending time alone as positive time instead of feeling lonely. Its important to treat yourself like a queen so that you know how you deserve to be treated by the people in your life.
If you enjoyed these tips on spending time alone, you have to read How To Find Serenity By Hitting The Trails This Summer.
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