10 Benefits Of Being Single In Your 30’s
If you’re single and in your 30’s it can feel like time is passing you by. I’m going to write an honest blog on How To Embrace Single Life In Your 30’s. This blog post might surprise you if you were expecting a depressing blog about how horrible it is to be single in your 30’s…sorry to disappoint you.
Look, being single isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can be downright lonely. It can be hard to see your friends getting married and having babies. Hell, a girl I know got engaged the other day, and I immediately felt a knife to the heart. However, I quickly remind myself that my life is full, and I will not settle for anyone less than a king.
Yes, I can hear my biological clock ticking, but it doesn’t mean that I have to rush into a relationship until a man comes into my life that is worthy of me.
If being single is a choice or not, I have some easy and straightforward rules to make sure that you’re living your life like a queen! I’ll highlight the perks of being single. So sit back and savor this article with a glass of wine. Know that I am your sister in this moment, and I’m drinking a delicious margarita.
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The Truth About Being Single
First let me start by saying a few things about the truth of being single in your 30’s.
Being single in your 30’s (I’m 36 years old) or at any age doesn’t mean that you’re not attractive, worthy, or loveable. It just means that you are smart enough to dodge a toxic relationship and open your life up to new possibilities. Perhaps even someone that will give you a pure and authentic love that we all hope for.
The most important thing is that you focus on your happiness and well-being first. This is a moment in time that will soon pass, and you need to take advantage of every second. Use this time to build yourself up, figure out who you are, and what you want out of life. Put your heart and soul into your dreams and use all the energy into something you love: a particular cause, things your passionate about, and your health.
Some times being single is awesome! Especially right now! I can’t imagine being married and raising a bunch of kids at home 24/7. I would snap…I would hurt somebody! Being single means having the freedom to do what I want when I want.
If I need time alone, I can get it. Social distancing is a piece of cake for me because I prefer to be alone 80% of the time. If I want to go out and get wasted…I don’t have to answer to anyone! If I want to travel or take a job in another state, I have no obligations to anyone! I don’t have to balance my life with anyone’s schedule. I have plenty of time to take care of myself and enrich my mind with knowledge. I can try new hobbies, go to workshops and read books.
If your a woman struggling with being single, make a list of perks of being solo. When you’re having a sad moment, look at this list and remind yourself of all the freedom you have compared to those in relationships. Value this freedom and live your life the way that you want. When you get into a relationship, you’ll have your own life, and you won’t become co-dependent on your partner. Being independent is extremely attractive to a man. Embrace the freedom to be single!
Step Into Your Queendom
Put on your crown and step into your Queendom. Notice that I didn’t say kingdom! You’re a queen, and you rule over your Queendom with a fierce and ruthless attitude. When your in your 30’s you know what you will or will not tolerate. You have a clear understanding of your living life standards and the people you allow to enter your royal court. When you’re a single queen, you make the cutthroat decision on who is allowed to be in your life and situations you put yourself in. Hold your head up high and embrace your inner queen as you walk into the room. People take notice of a woman who knows she is a queen. A single queen doesn’t let her standards drop for a moment. She says what she means and acts accordingly.
Have you ever walked into a room feeling your queen energy? A funny moment happened a few months ago when I was walking up towards the church. A very attractive man that I’ve met was walking in another direction and had his back to me. I just finished listening to some Janet Jackson, and my body was warm from taking a long walk. I felt amazing and uplifted! As I walked closer to the door, the man stopped in his tracks and turned around, walked back to the door to hold it open to me. He even gave me a little bow to acknowledge my queenliness. It felt so good to have my royal subjects honor me with such chivalry.
If you are a single queen, you deserve to be treated with honor, dignity, respect, and reverence. Where in your life are not being treated like a queen? How are you not acting like a queen? You have to own your status as a powerful, single woman and live your best life.
Don’t Believe The Hype
Single women spend a lot of time comparing themselves to others or focusing on what they don’t have. A lot of this comparing comes from looking at your social media accounts. I’m guilty of this one. I see all the loving pictures of girls with their man and their families. Don’t believe the hype! Things always appear to be perfect in photos, but we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors.
If your struggling to find things to be grateful for, start a gratitude journal. You can be thankful for the smallest thing like the bed you sleep in, flowers, and your pet.
Independent Woman
Don’t make me turn on Destiny’s Child! Isn’t it wonderful to know that you can take care of yourself? It might not be glamorous, but you are paying the bills and making a life for yourself. That’s one thing that I can say about myself is that I’ve always taken care of myself. You have what it takes to be on your own and make things happen. This is the great thing about being single!
You’re a force in the world and get the job done. Having the tools to be independent is needed when your single or in a relationship. You need to have your own life and not cling on to your man for dear life. Relationships end, and so many women are left scrambling because they relied on their partner to take care of the finances. Little did they know that their husband wasn’t paying the mortgage, and their house was going into foreclosure. This happened to someone I know and love, and it was painful to watch. What I learned is to always keep your head in the game in and out of a relationship.
Learn how to manage your finances, change the oil, and fix your toilet. Build up your life with hobbies and friends, so you keep yourself active and stimulated.
Build Your Dream Life
Create a visual picture of what you want for your life now! Are you happy with your career? Do you have goals that you want to accomplish? Do you know what you want in a future partner? This is the time to figure that out! Start journaling about your ideal life and make a vision board.
You can even make a vision board on Pinterest or one on poster board. Then figure out what you can do each day to work towards those goals and take action now! The single life can be a game-changer and allow you to be clear and take life by the horns. Get out there and build a life that you can be proud of. My fear in life is lying on my deathbed and disappointed that I didn’t do more with my life. Focus on the vision, and don’t let anyone discourage you.
I hope that the article helped to lift your spirits and the joy that you can have in your life now. Be grateful, and embrace your life! If you enjoyed this article, check out my latest blogs below.
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