Hi, I’m Samara-Renee

My name is Samara-Renee and I’ve been a blogger for over a decade. I’m an unapologetic introvert, down-to-earth, California-grown, Catholic woman all wrapped up in a 5’2 caramel shell.

I’m an expert on what not to do when it comes to neglecting your mental and physical well-being.

I’ve since learned the importance of having a work/life balance and taking care of myself first. I’ve fallen on my face enough times to learn some valuable lessons and still manage to laugh at myself and have a smile on my face every day.

Since launching thesamararenee.com in 2016, my mission is to write blogs for men and women who have lost themselves in the chaos of the world and help them connect with the truth inside themselves.

If you’re a single woman trying to figure things out, or a man that is overwhelmed and trying to find peace in his life, then you in the right place. Thesamararenee.com is where you’ll learn to stay true to yourself no matter what the rest of the world says.

I want to invite you to join my email list community. By signing up you’ll be able to keep up to date on my latest self-care tips and tricks. Join us today!