Top 5 At Home Workouts
Are you looking for some new home workout ideas? Check out our Top 5 Full Body At Home Workout. With gyms closed due to stay at home orders we have had to stay disciplined and find a ways to keep healthy mentally and physically. We’ve all had to adapt our daily lives to include home works that would challenge us and keep us interested.
The Top 5 Full Body At Home Workout programs were chosen for variety, duration and equipment.
Additionally,each workout can be modified for beginners and for those with injuries. The Top 5 Full Body Home Workout are easy, fun to do and can be done with little to no equipment. In particular the following workouts are fun and keep your body guessing
#1 Home Workout-Popsugar Fitness
YouTube is a great resource for free at home workouts. My favorite fitness channel on Youtube is Popsugar Fitness. They have a variety of workouts that will make you sweat and have a great time in the process. I really enjoy doing the hip-hop and latin dance videos. The instructors are high energy and I love the fact that the dancers are all different body shapes. They also provide a modified version of the dance moves and advanced moves to really challenge yourself.
The first video I did was Latin dance workout and I had a blast. I was shocked that I was drenched in sweat at the end. The music is upbeat and 30 minutes flies by. Check out Popsugar Fitness dance video posted above.
Equipment: Laptop or cell phone and room to dance
Duration: 30 minutes
Level: Beginner
#2 Home Workout-Whitney Simmons
Alive App
Whitney Simmons is a popular Youtube and Instagram influencer and Gymshark Fitness model. Whitney has over 1 million loyal followers and recently came out with a fitness app called Alive. This app has a wealth of fitness workouts that will give you a full body wake up call. The app offers: home workouts, shoulders, arms, abs, legs and booty. I would be lying if I said that these workouts aren’t challenging. The first workout left me out of breath and sweating.
Each exercise has a video to show you the move and proper form. What I really enjoy about this app is that you can do the workouts with Whitney and a timer to tell how long you have in between the next exercise. Another nice thing about the app is that you don’t have to go in order. You can choose any of the workouts that you want. There were some days that I only had enough energy to do 22 minute workout. It was nice knowing that I would get a really good sweat in a short amount of time.
If your a beginner be sure to modify the workouts. Heck I’ve been working out on a regular bases and I modified most of the exercises.
Don’t worry about gaining weight during quarantine with this workout app!
Equipment: Dumbbells or body weight
Duration: 18 minutes-55 minutes (depending on the workout)
Level: Beginner -Intermediate
#3 Home Workout-Mari Llewellyn Fitness Guides
Mari Llewellyn is another popular fitness influencer with 1.3 million followers on Instagram. She is also co-owner of a supplement nutrition company called Bloom Nutrition.
Mari is best known for her amazing fitness transformation that you can check out here. She lost 70 lbs by slowly changing her nutrition and weight lifting. She post amazing workouts on her Instagram and Youtube channel that provides me with such much inspiration for workouts and healthy eating. Mari also sells Fitness Guides which have her workout routine and tips on getting the best results. The guides were last being sold for $10 (once stay at home orders went into effect).
What I like about Mari’s workout is that she focuses on building muscle to improve your overall physic. This is the holy grail that women are missing out on. Muscle makes your body look more youthful and toned. If your ready to get strong and kick butt check out Mari’s Fitness Guides
Equipment: Dumbbells or body weight
Duration: Depends on workout
Level: Beginner-Intermidate

#4 Home Workout- Resistance Bands
Resistance bands are the low tech way to add an extra burn to your at home workouts. Bands are inexpensive and don’t take up space. You can easily find full body resistance band workout videos online . This is a great way to target your biceps, shoulders and glutes. If you have a resistant band door unit it increase the variety of workouts that you can do. You can add a different range of motion into your workouts and added resistance.
Equipment: Resistance bands
Duration: Depends on workout
Level: all levels
#5 Home Workout- Walking/Hiking
Finally, the easiest workout of all is a walk or hike. I’ve noticed so many families in the evening walking together during this social distancing period. There is nothing better than getting outside and moving your body in nature. Honestly going out for a walk every day has been the only thing that has kept me sane! Staying at home means walking less that were used to so conciously going on a hike or a walk will help boost your mood, help with digestion, and feel energized. My personal goal is to walk 2 miles a day. I don’t always hit my goal, but its a victory to get outside alone and get a breath of fresh air.
Equipment: Yourself
Duration: As long as you want
Level: all levels
If you enjoyed this article check out my latest article Top 9 Rules For The Gym
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