Samara-Renee 15 Favorite Christmas Gifts

Happy Holidays! Christmas is only three weeks away! Here are my 15 Favorite Christmas gifts! These are my must-have Christmas gifts that are inexpensive and easy to find. Most of…

6 Foolproof Ways To Embrace Being Single

  This might be one of the most important blogs that I write. So many people are single and  deal with a constant state of feeling lonely. It especially difficult…

His Holiness Pope Francis- Ted Talk

  I wanted to share this Ted Talk with you today, because I love the Holy Father, and I really think his message is timely. The video is about 17…

9 Ways To Celebrate Holy Week At Home

The holiest time of year is here!I have 9 Ways to Celebrate Holy Week At Home. The Holy week began on Palm Sunday, and this year was bittersweet. Most of the…