Summer Fitness Routine Update
Summertime is a great time to kick up your fitness routine and give you an added boost of motivation if you haven’t reached your fitness goal. Unfortunately, if you are still far away from your ultimate health and wellness goals, you are not alone. I’m in the process of losing 70 lbs, and I’m a long way from hitting my desired goal.
In this article, Summer Fitness Routine Update. I share some tips and strategies for hitting my goal of losing 50 lbs by January 1, 2023. A brief disclaimer: I am not a doctor or certified trainer. I’m only sharing the plan that is working for me and the tips that I’ve received from the trainer that I’m currently working with, my primary physician, and adjustments that I’ve made.
It will be up to you to discover what nutrition and fitness routine works for you. Here are a few suggestions that will help to keep you on track and help you to measure success and signal you to make adjustments in your plan.
Before You Reboot Start Your Fitness Journey
See your doctor before starting a fitness journey is also a good idea. This will give you a baseline to where you are currently with weight, BMI, and blood work. I would also make sure to have your hormone and thyroid levels checked. This could be another reason you’re not shedding off the pounds as quickly as you would like.
Fitness Tracking
I would highly suggest keeping a fitness and nutrition journal to walk with you through your journey. You will discover a correlation between your eating and emotional stressors that cause you to binge or not eat. You may also notice a change in your mood and energy level. It’s not necessary to track every day. But you should consistently journal and measure your progress through measurements, blood work, and weigh-ins.
If you’re like me, you may not see results on the scale. But you will see movement in body fat percentage, measurements, monthly progress photos, and how your clothes fit. If you don’t see results in the following methods, then it’s time to make a change and kick up your workouts and track your food intake. I suggest calculating your macros and tracking your food intake on an app like MyFitnessPal.
Increase Your Activity Level
If you’re not seeing the results that you want to see, then it’s time to step up your workouts and increase the weights. Our bodies are smart and quickly adapt to our exercise routine. So it’s time to turn it up and challenge your body with various exercises that make you sweat. It could be as easy as getting up and moving throughout the day. For example, mix up your workouts with plyometrics or alternate your exercise between high and low-impact exercises.
Stay Consistent
Keep your eye on the prize and stay consistent with your nutrition and workout schedule. If you’re consistent, then you’ll see your results over time.
It’s also important to stay consistent with your exercise and nutrition plan and be realistic with your goals. If you put on a ton of weight over time, you can expect it to take a while to get off the extra weight. Personally, I put on over 70 pounds in nine months, and I find myself getting frustrated with how long it’s taking to take off the extra pounds. I keep reminding myself that I didn’t put the weight on overnight and must be patient and consistent if I expect to see results. Just remind yourself to stay focused on your desired outcome to be healthy, happy, and strong; before you know it, you’ll have to be at your desired weight loss goal.
Up Your Water Intake
Drink up! Another factor that could be messing with your results is your water intake. Are you drinking at least eight glasses of water a day? Depending on your current weight and activity you may require more water than you think. My goal is to drink at least a gallon of water a day and it makes a big difference in the way that I look and feel. A gallon may seem like a lot of water but if you space it out over the course of a day you can drink it. The downside is that you’ll have to use the bathroom a lot, but you’ll look and feel healthier.
Change Your Narrative
Suppose you tend to have a negative attitude about losing weight or consistently tell yourself that it’s hard to lose weight, then this could be another reason why your not hitting your fitness goal. When you change your mindset and redirect negative thought patterns to focus on gratitude and positive self-talk, you will find the extra energy to do one more lap around the track or do two more reps when you feel like giving up. When you believe in yourself and know that you have no limits, you can do about anything.
Now that you have a summer fitness reboot, which tips will you add to your exercise schedule or meal plan? Leave a comment below with your favorite tip. Didn’t see a tip mentioned in this article? Feel free to drop a line in the comment box with your helpful tip to reach your ultimate fitness goal for the summer.
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