How To Stay Motivated To Blog During The Summer
Summer is here, and it’s a great time to smash some goals. In this article “How To Stay Motivated To Blog During The Summer,” I’ll share my tips on how I stay motivated to write during the summer. Summer is a tempting time to get distracted by spending more time at the beach or going on vacation. These tips will help you stay productive if you’re on the road or having a hard time coming up with exciting topics to write about.
As I write this blog, I’m using some of my strategies to get my blog writing done. My main killer of productivity is distractions and noise! If I’m at home, I’ll quickly get distracted by a show on television or my neighbor’s kids screaming outside. Today I decided to try something different and went to my favorite quiet spot in town. Sometimes I’ll go for a walk, or I’ll sit in my car to decompress after a long day at work. I brought my blog brainstorm notebook with me and started to write down ideas for this post. Let’s jump into my favorite strategies to stay motivated to write during the summer.
Buy A Journal
The best thing I did for myself during the COVID-19 quarantine is to buy a journal dedicated to brainstorming ideas for my blog. I bought a couple of boxes of new pens too. My journal has genuinely helped me with organizing ideas and create an outline for a blog post. I’ve been more productive with writing a consistent blog post for the last three months because I’m brainstorming before I sit down in front of the computer. My old way of writing a blog post was to open up a word document and struggle to write the first sentence. I’ve wasted so many hours doing this, and I gave up on blogging for a year. I’m happy with this strategy and hope you will give it a shot if you’re struggling to write.
Create A Blog Post Topic Calendar
This was a game-changing strategy for me. I wanted to get my blog organized and created a blog post topic calendar for the next six months. I created a document in OneNote and created different tabs for different topics. Then I researched special holidays and events and scheduled three blog post ideas for each week. It took me two days to research and complete, but it’s making my life so much easier. The nice thing about OneNote is I can open the document on my phone and write anywhere! When I complete a blog post, I put a checkmark next to the title and move on.
Set A Writing Schedule
Okay, I’m typically not a plan of schedules in my personal life. I wouldn’t say I like feeling like I’m on a time crunch, but for writing blog posts, I have to be more disciplined. I’ve tried writing one or two posts a week, but then I realized that I was attracting many readers that way. So I changed up my strategy again and planned to write a blog post three days a week. This is a crazy schedule, and I don’t recommend it for everyone.
My friend Alyssa gave me some good advice a few months ago. Alyssa is a songwriter, and you can check out her music here, and she said, “If writing is what you truly love and passion, you have to write every day.” Alyssa writes one song every day! I thought she was insane, but I took her advice seriously, and now I’m hooked. The reason why writing every day is so important because it gives you time to fine-tune your craft and get in the flow. It doesn’t matter what you write as long as your writing. I write positive affirmations, blog post outlines, business, and product ideas. Now I crave my writing time more than anything else.
Write About Topics That Excite You
If you aren’t excited to start writing about a blog topic, it’s the wrong topic! It would be best if you were hyped up and ready to write. I had so much fun writing my blogs because it allows me to be creative. It was a blast to write my latest blog post “How To Plan A 4th of July Party During Social Distancing”.
Write On A Consistent Bases
Find a time that works best for you and stick with it. That means that no matter what happens, you have secured that time to writing. I scheduled one hour to write this blog. Sometimes I’ll need two hours, or I might spend hours working depending on my mood. The truth is, I love writing so much that time flies. Morning, afternoon, or night it doesn’t matter as long as your writing.
Get Outside & Write
I was having a hard time writing at home, then it might be a good idea to change your writing location. Grab your notebook or laptop computer and head to the beach, mountains, or a library. One of my favorite spots to write is in my car. I find a quiet place to park and start brainstorming. Sometimes I’ll type up a blog post on my phone, or I’ll wait until I get home. Sometimes some people enjoy writing in the early morning hours or the middle of the night. I prefer writing in the middle of the night because it’s quiet and there are no loud noises to disrupt me.
In April, I would start writing or working on my website at midnight and write until dawn. This isn’t typical, but since I was not working and stuck at home, I took advantage of every moment.
Pinterest Inspiration
Finding out what’s trending on Pinterest is another way to get inspired to write. I love Pinterest and have a ridiculous amount of boards on mine. You can follow my Pinterest boards @thesamararenee. Inspiration is just what you need to keep the spark of creativity going.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not sticking to your writing schedule. Be kind to yourself and take small steps in the right direction. I know you can do it!
I hope these tips will keep you motivated to keep writing. If you enjoyed this article check out my latest post (add blog post title)

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