How To Make The Most Of Your Personal Time Off

make the most of your Personal time off


Using your personal time off is the most important incentive for getting up for work in the morning. I love having a job, but I also enjoy having time off and being able to try new things, but the summer is even better for me. For the past few years I use my PTO (personal time off) to take off every Friday and work half a day on Monday’s. This allows me to get a much needed break from work and to have more time to take part in social events and volunteer opportunities. If you’re the type of person who never takes a vacation or personal days for yourself, I encourage you to reconsider. 

There was a time when I worked two jobs and went to school full-time, all while never taking a day off . This all lead to me getting burnt out, stressed, and very sick. I realized that it was more important for me to keep myself healthy (mentally and physically) so I can have the energy to do my job. If you’re getting up in the morning and dreading going to work or always feeling tired, then it might be time to take some time off.

In this post, I’ll share some of the tips that I’ve used to get the most out of my PTO days which I affectionately call “Me-Day. If you’re married or in a relationship you might need to make adjustments to allow yourself to take time-out on your own. I’m single and able to do more things because I don’t have to coordinate my time with a partner. I’d love to hear from you if you’re in a relationship and you find ways to have a personal Me-Day. Leave a comment below and share your ideas!

Me-Day Tip #1: Make a yearly goal for time off

At the end of December, I take two weeks off to reexamine my life and make plans for the coming year. Pull out your calendar and figure out how many personal days off that you would like to use. Some of the days that I plan for each year is two weeks off for Christmas, Good Friday, and a few days off to celebrate my birthday. During the summer I plan to take off every Friday and work half day on Monday’s so I’m able to volunteer and recharge my batteries. 

Me-Day Tip #2: Request time-off

Put your request for time off in as soon as possible. This will allow your boss time to grant your request and give you time to leave instructions for another staff member. Make sure to check how many days of vacation that you’ll earn during the year, and plan on taking a few days without pay if necessary. 

Me-Day Tip #3: Set Boundaries for work colleagues and family:

One of the hardest things with taking time off for yourself is saying no to other people. It might be tempting to answer that call from work on your day off, but remember that it’s your day off! You aren’t required to be available during your time off. Make sure to let work colleagues, staff and family know that you will not be reachable on your day off. Be very specific when you set your boundaries.

For instance, let them know that you will not be answering any phone calls, emails or text during your vacation. Leave a detailed list of emergency contacts for your boss or staff on who to contact when your unavailable. Another tip that my boss suggested was to set your automatic reply on your email when your going to be off. It’s easy to set up, and you can leave a brief message on how long you’ll be out of the office and a number to call if they need to speak to someone immediately.

Sometimes you have to be very blunt especially if your dealing with a family emergency and boundaries. A few years ago my Mom was hospitalized for a week, and I stayed with her at the hospital for a couple of days. There was an emergency at work prior to my Mom getting sick and I tried to juggle it all over the phone. However, I was extremely frustrated because I kept receiving calls from work when I was highly stressed. I learned that family comes first and I have to put my whole focus on that during these times. Have a meeting with your staff or boss to set those boundaries, and communicate that to them right away. If they must communicate with you have them email you and let them know that you won’t be checking your emails regularly.

Me-Day Tips #4: Make plans

Now that you have the time off , it’s time to make plans! Now these don’t have to be huge plans or going out of town. You can have fun at home or in your city. Enjoy the local restaurants or museums in your area or take a hike. Do what makes you feel good or do something that you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the chance to. Maybe there is a friend that you would like to visit and have lunch with. Call them up and put it on the schedule. Don’t be afraid to go to places alone. If there is a movie that you’ve been dying to see, but no one will go with you, then take yourself!

Me-Day Tips #5: Don’t be afraid to spoil yourself


Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty for taking time out for yourself and spending some money. I have a friend who husband takes the kids so she can have a day off every couple of months. Sometimes she feels a little guilty but she knows that in the long run she’ll be a better Mom if she takes a day for herself. If you’re on a tight budget go on Groupon and find a discount on spa treatments, shows, and restaurants. There is no excuse for you not to spend one day honoring yourself. Go ahead and treat yo self!

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