How To Be More Productive

Do you struggle with staying focused at work or on simple daily tasks? Are you easily distracted and find yourself procrastinating? I feel you! I am notorious for procrastinating and finding any reason to distract myself from completing important tasks. Still, I’ve developed a system to help me hyper-focus for small chunks of time and boost my productivity over the years. In this article, I’ll give you the tools that you need to stay focused and be more productive in less time.

Make A To-Do List

At the end of the workday, I like to sit down and write down tasks that I need to do for the next day. Even the most minor job that needs to be done, such as returning an email, calling a client, or remembering a family member’s birthday, goes in my bullet journal. Writing helps me remember to do the task and is a constant reminder if it is not crossed off at the end of the day. So, when writing your to-do list, make sure to write down your most significant, most challenging task first, and make sure to get it done first.

In author Brian Tracy’s book “Eat That Frog,” he suggests that putting the most challenging and unpleasant task first thing in the morning. It helps build positive momentum for the rest of the day. Morning is also when we feel refreshed and have the most energy, and are better equipped to focus on the task at home. If you’re not a morning person like me, this could be a challenge.

I find that I have less energy in the morning and usually don’t feel awake until ten in the morning! To combat the slow-to-rise vibes, make time for quiet and self-reflection in the morning. This could be done by making a few minutes to meditate, drive-in silence on the way to work, or schedule the first 30 minutes at work as an uninterrupted time.


Set An Intention

Before diving into any task, it’s essential to take a few deep breathes and set an intention for the day. This doesn’t have to be a vast spiritual moment. Place your hand on your heart and find one word or phrase that sums up your goal for the day. It could be words like “focus,” “let’s do this,” “get it,” or “grind.” The word or phrase doesn’t matter as long as it speaks to you. When I sit down to work each day, I like to read a short prayer for some divine help. When I sat down to write this blog, my intention was to be focused and productive.

Block Scheduling

Having dedicated time to focus on work, reading, fitness, cleaning, or a goal is vital to accomplishing your goals. There are several ways to do this: you can block out an hour or two on your calendar. This is a signal to yourself and others that this time is reserved and you are not available. Be relentless with this time because this is for you. If someone asks you if you would change your schedule, say no, you already have an appointment scheduled. If you want to learn a new skill, read, have time for personal or professional development, and you can’t seem to find the time, take a hard look at what you’re dedicating your time to.

Are you overextending yourself to help others, and your physical and mental health is suffering? It’s time for you to get serious and write down your current obligation and eliminate three tasks on your list that you can give up. This could be an hour a week of volunteering that can now be dedicated to writing a few pages for the novel you’ve been dreaming of writing. Or hiring a babysitter once or twice a week to have a date night with your husband so you can reconnect.

This could also mean giving up one hour of watching television a week to take an online class to learn a new skill. An extra few hours a week is one step closer to reaching your highest potential. 

Gather Everything You Need Before You Start To Be More Productive

Before you start your work block schedule, make sure to gather everything you need to complete the task. For example, grab a glass of water, use the bathroom, and gather supporting materials that will inspire you to complete your task. Also, make sure to have a pen and journal to jot down notes to capture any insights or quotes to reflect on later. 

Remember to take care of yourself and have a good breakfast. Do you remember doing state testing in school? It was so important it was to have a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast? Having proper rest and nourishment also helps to maintain your focus. In addition, you won’t have to worry about your stomach growling during meetings. Also, losing focus because you tossed and turned the night before. 

Eliminate Distractions to Increase Being More Productive

We are constantly being interrupted by distractions. It is a notification on our phones, an ad on the computer screen, or a child wanting a snack. These distractions are debilitating to being more productive and can only be conquered by making a time or quiet space a priority. A simple way to stop your phone from distracting you is to turn it off. Put it in do not disturb mode during the hours that you’re working. Even the simple act of turning your phone screen down or locking it in your desk works. 

Another tip is to set a time for blocks of focused work time. You can use your timer on your watch or an app like Forest to set small blocks of time to work to earn points to grow your virtual forest. I learned about this app from Aileen from Lavendaire. I really enjoy the challenge of not looking at my phone for the greater good. 

Delegate Smaller Task Whenever Possible

Sometimes we take on more responsibilities than we should because we are trying to please other people. When you take you away from your core genius or things you do at your highest level. It’s time to delegate those smaller jobs to someone else and ask for help. You might be thinking – how can I delegate taking care of my children or cleaning my home. How will I afford it? The hardest part is to let go. This may take making sacrfices in other parts of your life to be able to hire help.

Look around you for people who can help you for free. You might have a friend, neighbor, or college intern that you can hire. They could help organize your office or edit your manuscript. In addition, there are plenty of websites and apps like Taskrabbit, Fiverr, and Upwork. They help you find virtual assistants or someone to do a specific task for a reasonable price. Having the additional help can free up time for you to work on what you’re most passionate about.

I would love for you to share some of the tips that help you be more productive. Leave a comment below. If you enjoyed this article, check out my latest blog, How To Stay Motivated To Blog During The Summer.

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