How to Achieve Your Goals in 7 Easy Steps!
Are you having a hard time achieving your goals? In this article, “How To Achieve Your Goals,” I have some great tips to get you inspired to reach your breakthrough goals. This could be to squat a certain amount of weight, start a new career, or focus on your romantic life.
Everyone has their ultimate life goals, but it can be hard to stay motivated and focused. Here is a simple way to free up more time in your life to build yourself into the person you always wished you could be.
1. Have An Unwavering Belief In Your Vision
Do you ever feel that there is more to life and more than your capable of but not sure what you supposed to do? This is God’s way of reminding you that you have a special mission, and you have everything you need inside of you to fulfill it.
If you have a dream or a vision for your life, there is no reason that you can’t achieve it. There will be plenty of people who will doubt you and even laugh at you, but you have to hold onto the unwavering belief that someday soon, your dream will come true!
2. Achieve Your Goals With A Positive Mindset
Having a positive mindset doesn’t always come naturally to people. Most of us have to work hard to require our brains to think positively about ourselves. There are several tools that I’ve used over the years to help. Here are a few simple ways to change your mindset.
- Positive affirmations (read, write, or listen to them twice a day
- Meditation
- Mantra -I can do this! Is my current mantra
- Paraliminals -audio tools used to train your unconscious mind new empowering beliefs
3. Learn From The Greats
To take positive steps in the right direction, you have had to learn from the greats. Studying someone who has already accomplished your goal will show you precisely what you need to do to be successful. The great thing about studying other leaders, business owners, etc., is that many of them started with nothing and worked their way up. This has helped me feel like I’m not alone and keep moving forward one step at a time. You can find useful information online, Ted talks, podcasts, books, workshops, seminars, and audio programs. All it takes is twenty minutes a day to focus on learning something new.
4. Visualize Your Goals
I never realized it, but I’ve been practicing visualization and acting as if my dream has already come true for most of my life. This may not come easy to some, but with practice, it can become a fun game.
If you imagine yourself as a successful business owner, you have to act and look the part.
You can pretend that you have a business meeting and practice what you would say to your employees.
You can pretend that you already met the man of your dreams by doing nice things for yourself, like sending yourself flowers and writing a beautiful love note to yourself.
You can make room in your closet and garage for your future husband. My personal practice right now is being an organized person.
So I have to take the time and clean my bathroom and bedroom and reorganize my bookcase. I’ve always envisioned myself living in a clean, well-organized space. This brings up feelings of pride and accomplishment that I have everything organized in my life. You can do the same and have tons of fun pretending. The key is to feel the joy and happiness you would experience when you achieve it. How will it feel to get that promotion or to get the keys to your brand new car? Keep these pictures in your head when times get tough and your discouraged.
5. Examine Your Relationships
It’s time to take a serious inventory of the type of relationships you have with your family, friends, and co-workers. These are the people you spend the most time with and have the greatest influence on your life. How many of these people are positive and supportive of you and your goals? If you find that the people surrounding you are negative, you have a couple of options.
Confronting them about their negativity or spending less time with them so you can focus on creating a positive life. You may have to cut ties with family members or spend less time around a colleague, and you may have to call someone out about their negative behavior and how it affects you. You’d be amazed by how many people spew negativity and don’t even realize it.
An example of calling someone out on their negativity is gossiping, and you don’t want to continue to breed negative. You can change the subject or let them know that you are not comfortable talking about someone behind their back. Can we talk about something else instead?”

6. Positive Mantras
Repeating a positive mantra when your frustrated or overwhelmed will snap you back into reality and out of self-pity mode. My mantra right now is, “I can do this!” I tend to immediately think of every reason why I can’t do something. If you find yourself doing the same, quickly correct yourself and say you’re positive mantra. Challenge your negative thoughts by stating your mantra and then reaffirming why you’re uniquely qualified to get that job, to start your business, to lose that weight.
7. Create A Plan Of Action
You set some goals now; it’s time to breakdown each goal into actionable steps. Grab yourself a journal and write down every step imaginable that you will need to do. You might need to do some research but write down every step and, in another column, the possible obstacles that could come up. Then two or three action steps into your daily to-do list, and you’re taking small actionable steps every daily. I’m currently learning about The Bullet Journal Method is a way to plan and stay focused.
I hope these steps will help you to move forward to create the life of your dreams. If you enjoyed this article, check out How Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Life
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