Everything You Need To Know About Divine Mercy
Do you know about the Divine Mercy message? This post will give you Everything You Need To Know About Divine Mercy. First, I’m just a simple Catholic who will do my best to explain the Divine Mercy message in laymans terms. I’ll also provide you with some resources if your interested in learning more.
Here is a short video discussing one of my favorite spiritual books “Divine Mercy of My Soul- Diary of St. Faustina” If you love Jesus or if your even curious about Him you need to read this book. The book is long but you’ll fall in love with Jesus by the end of the book.
What Is Divine Mercy
A simple nun named St. Maria Faustina received revelations from Jesus spreading a message of mercy. Jesus asked that a special Feast be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter (8th day of Easter octave). Jesus also asked for people to do the following:
- Ask for His Mercy
- Be merciful to others
- Complete trust in Jesus
Divine Mercy Image & Chaplet
Jesus also requested that a special image be painted showing His mercy to the world. He also taught St.Faustina a special prayer called the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Jesus didn’t reveal anything that isn’t already in Holy Scriptures, but He is pleading with the world to seek Him to gain His mercy.
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is easy to learn and you can be prayed in about 7 minutes. This special prayer is especially helpful for people who are dying so Jesus can open His arms to them and provide them with His merciful love.
Acts Of Mercy
So now that you have the basic idea of the Divine Mercy message, what does that mean for you? Jesus has called us to do acts of mercy for love of Him. There are several ways you can do acts of mercy every day. Here are some ideas for corporal works of mercy that you can do during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- Donate non-perishable food items to a food bank
- Give a bottle of water to a thirsty homeless person
- Donate clothes to local homeless shelter
- Write a letter to a prisoner (since visitors aren’t allowed at prisons)
- Comfort someone who is sick (call or send them a letter or leave food on their doorstep)
- Pray for those who have died
Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Home-school your children (spiritual work of mercy)
- Pray as a family for living and the dead
- Correct those who are making poor choices
- Encourage someone who is doubting their faith
- Comfort those who are mourning the death of a loved one
- Be patient with your family members
- Be quick to forgive

Divine Mercy Resources
Here are some great resources to learn more about the Divine Mercy message.
- Marians of the Immaculate Conception website https://www.marian.org/whatwedo/divinemercy.php
- How To Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/pray-the-chaplet
- The National Shrine of Divine Mercy https://www.shrineofdivinemercy.org/
- Book: Divine Mercy of My Soul https://www.shopmercy.org/diary-of-saint-maria-faustina-kowalska.html
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