California Adventure- Janet Jackson Concert At The Hollywood Bowl


On Sunday, October 8, 2017, I got to see one of my favorite artist of all-time, Janet Jackson at The Hollywood Bowl. It was definitely an item that I checked off of my bucket list. I didn’t get to see Michael Jackson, Prince, or other legendary artists perform, so I had to at least see her in concert once in my life. The tour was put on hold last year due to Janet’s pregnancy and she wanted to get back in shape so she would be ready for her fans. My sister Shana purchased the tickets for me as a gift so I was pretty excited to go.

As the date got closer I couldn’t wait, but then the tragic event in Las Vegas happened the Sunday before the concert. I usually don’t watch the news unless I feel that it’s absolutely necessary. I didn’t hear about the shooting in Las Vegas until Monday through an email that a prayer group that I’m a part of sent. As soon as I got the email I went on to the news websites to see what happened. I was absolutely heartbroken for the number of people who lost their lives, doing what many of us do, go out to see a concert with friends or head to Vegas for the weekend.

Many of the victims were from L.A. area and San Diego, and since I’m originally from L.A. and have lived in San Diego for over a decade, this attack felt personal. I didn’t know any of the 58 people who died, but I was upset for days, and pray for them and their families every day. It was shocking because all of these innocent people were having a peaceful and fun time together, enjoying music and being uplifted. Music unifies and brings positive energy to the world, but it took one evil person to cause so much pain.

I’m not going to lie, I was really nervous going to the concert, especially since it was an outdoor venue. Once I arrived at The Hollywood Bowl I saw a lot of security as always and once I got seated I saw security stationed on the hillside. So, that made me feel a little bit better knowing that they’re doing everything possible to keep the concert-goers safe.

Once the lights went down and the music started it really hit me that I was actually seeing Janet Jackson perform live. My older sisters have seen Janet perform a number of times and always raved about her. The concert was amazing! Janet came on stage in a tight black catsuit and just stood on the stage taking in the crowd. Everyone went nuts!  She sang hit after hit after hit song and the crowd was going wild. Every song had some sort of memory from my childhood or high school. I had a group of guys sitting behind me who idolize Janet Jackson and they were dancing in the aisles and singing. It was a great reminder that no matter what age, sex, religion you are, you can still be in one place with a bunch of people have a have a good time together. That’s what so great about music. It’s kind of cliche but true that music can break down any barrier because music is universal.

Here are a few tips for making your next concert a safe and memorable time!



Video: A quick update on my experience getting to the concert!


Arrive Early & Stay Late

Plan ahead when you attend a concert, especially at the Hollywood Bowl. Go to the venue’s website and locate the parking lots and note if they accept cash or credit card. If there is an option to take public transit, I would highly suggest taking the bus instead of parking at the venue.

Safety First

Locate different entrances and exits that you will be able to use to make entering an exiting smooth and easy. Pay special attention to areas that you could exit or hide in case of an emergency. At the end of the night, it’s best to wait until most of the crowd leaves the concert venue. Heaven forbids that something happens as you leave a venue, you will hopefully be away from the crowds.

Travel Light

To expedite the time it takes to get through security,  only bring the things that you’ll need. Clean out your purse and wallets and make sure you have your ticket out and ready to go.

Eat Before You Get To The Venue Or Preorder Your Food

Check out the venue’s website to see if they offer preorder food. The Hollywood Bowl offers this so all you have to do is order your food in advance and pick it up when you get there. This will save you a lot of time or you can eat before you get there to save money.

Make Friends With The People Around You

Some of the best memories I’ve had at concerts is when I introduce myself to the people around me. I’ve met some really nice people who may even become lifelong friends or may even have tickets to another upcoming concert that you might want to go to, and even have your back when there is someone in front of you is being rude to you. Having these small connections can really help to make your night memorable.

If you have the chance to see Janet Jackson I suggest that you go. The girl is legendary and definitely one of the artists that’s on my bucket. I’m so blessed to have seen her in concert!




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