8 things to do before bed

8 Things You Should Do Before Bed

Time to get your sleep on. We have 8 Things You Should Do Before Bed! Adding these simple tips to your night time self-care routine will help you fall asleep in no time. Make sure to get your free 11 Things To Do Before Bed checklist at the end of the page.

Take A Bath

There is nothing better than feeling warm water on your skin. Showering before bed has huge benefits. The first benefit is that it relaxes your aching muscles and mind. It’s a great buffer from daytime energy to bedtime mode.

Second, bath time cleanses dirt and sweat that your body has accumulated over the day. Honestly, I don’t understand how people go to bed without taking a shower. Going to bed nasty and funky doesn’t seem appealing to me.

Most importantly, a good shower removes the energy of the people that you’ve been around from your body. If you an empath like me this makes a huge difference in my mood and quality of sleep. If I don’t shower when I come home from being in public, it’s like taking 40 people to bed with me. Protect your energy and cleanse your body before going to sleep.

Wash Your Face

Girl, go wash your face! Actually, start with using a makeup wipe to get your makeup off. My favorite makeup wipes are Neutrogena Fragrance free Makeup Wipes. Afterwards, wash your face with a facial wash that works for you. My go-to facial wash is Murad’s Time Release Acne Facial and Murad toner and moisturizer.

Take care of your face now while you’re young and it will take care of you when your older!

Brush Your Teeth & Floss

Brushing your teeth and flossing is an absolute must! Many people forget this critical step in their self-care routine. This makes a difference when it comes to having fresh breath. No breath mint can cover up the smell of a week old, decaying food stuck between your teeth. So make sure to brush your teeth and floss twice a day.

Turn Down The Lights

Set the mood for bedtime by turning down your lights two hours before bed. This also includes limiting or avoiding being on your computer or cellphone. Be mindful of noise level and turn down the television. Better yet, journal or read a book instead.

8 tips to help you fall asleep fast

Drink Water

Staying hydrated throughout the day is important for your overall health. It especially important to drink water before going to bed. Disclaimer: If you have a small bladder don’t drink a huge cup of water before bed.

Visualize Your Dreams

This is my favorite time of day! I get to use my imagination to visualize my goals. This is a time to dream big and write down three short-term goals and two long-term goals. They can be in from one category or one from each.

The categories are: career, finances, relationship, health, fun, and personal/spiritual growth. Read each goal, close your eyes and visualize them as if they already happened. The key is to feel the emotions that you would feel if you achieved your goals. Have fun with this and remember to do it every night before you fall asleep.

Write In A Gratitude Journal

My gratitude journal is a life saver. I haven’t been consistent with writing in my gratitude journal over the past few years. I started a new journal in February and thank God I did!

Write 5 things that you are grateful for every day. It can be anything! The 5 things I’m thankful for today is:

  • My health
  • Family
  • Friends
  • A wonderful 2 mile walk
  • the online course I’m taking

I also write 5 affirmations to empower myself. Start these today and watch your life change for the better.


Prayer is an ancient form of conversation with our Creator. You don’t have to be perfect to do it but prayer if vitally important to your overall health. You can thank God for your day or talk to God about things that aren’t working in your life and ask for guidance on what to do. I usually start my prayer off like a letter.

“Dear God,

Hey, it’s me again. Sorry to bother you but I wanted to say good night and ask you to bless and protect my family (say each persons name). Bless and protect my friends (says names) and pray for a special intention.”

My prayers are usually a lot longer but you get the point. Speak to God like a friend and everything will be alright. The best way to start is by saying thank you God.

Listen To Soothing Sounds

I’m a huge fan of listening to nature sounds or sleep stories when I go to bed. It sounds kind of cheesy but it works for me. I think it keeps me company. I love using the Calm app and have recommended before on my blog post Samara-Renee 15 Favorite Christmas Gifts . My favorite is listening to nature sleep stories or Christmas stories.

If you prefer white noise you can use a fan. I put on a fan to keep the room cool and I fall asleep in no time.

If you enjoyed this post check out my Get Ready With Me Makeup Tutorial

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