8 Proactive Steps To Prevent Burnout
Are you feeling frustrated and burnout at work and in life? Unfortunately, you’re not alone and join thousands of people who are fed up with their careers and personal lives. In this article, “8 Proactive Steps To Prevent Burnout”, I’ll share eight key ways to identify burnout and how to prevent it.
Identify The Root Cause Of Burnout to Prevent It
So you’re feeling frustrated and burnt out with your life or career? This might seem like a simple answer, but it doesn’t get to the root cause of your unhappiness, and it might take some soul searching if you’re feeling burnt out, it’s time to take a few days off to unplug from work or life and getaway. This could be for a few hours away from the house or a weekend on retreat. The objective is to get away from the world’s distractions and turn inward to listen to what is going on in your heart.
One of my favorite pastimes is to go off on a road trip to the mountain for a day alone and talk with God. Being alone and in a natural, secluded environment refreshes my soul and allows me to have a mental reboot. You have to pull the plug on all responsibilities if your confidence takes a hit and your self-esteem is rattled and regroup. Clearing your mind allows you to reflect, process your life, and make better decisions on what to do next.
Ways To Manage Anxiety & Depression
Focus on what you can control in your life and find ways to boost your self-esteem and find joy in your life. For example, when I was going through a depression episode, I started watching I Love Lucy every night before bed. It was the only thing at that time that brought me joy and made me laugh. I would watch episodes repeatedly and found myself slowly coming out of one of the darkest periods of my life. Laughing and focusing on things you’re passionate about can uplift your spirit and heal the soul.
Come up with five things that bring you joy (big or small) that you can turn to when you need to cheer yourself up.
Get up and get active and move your body for at least 20 minutes a day. Take out your frustration and stress in the gym with strength training and cardio. There’s nothing better than putting on your headphones and blasting 90’s gangster rap and crushing your fitness goals while improving your overall physical and mental health. In addition, exercise can do wonders to reduce work-related stress and anxiety.
Getting additional guidance and support from a licensed therapist is critical in helping you manage feelings of burnout. A therapist can help you identify the root cause of the frustration, anger, and lack of motivation that you feel and give you the tools to help manage your feelings in a healthy way.
Finding a licensed therapist through your health insurance plan is a great way to start, but finding a therapist that you click with can be a challenge. Spending time researching therapists in your area and reading patient reviews is helpful, but you won’t know if they’re a good fit until you meet them in person and have a few sessions.
It’s important to remember that your therapist will challenge you, and sessions can be hard. However, this is part of the process and takes consistency, patience, and time to see improvement.
Reframe Your Mindset
Has anyone ever said “It’s not you, it’s me” to you? The inner dialogue that we have with ourselves can be the reason for our downfall in relationships and careers. If you are in a mindset of lack, jealousy, and unworthiness and surround yourself with individuals on the same vibe will attract more people and situations into your life that bring chaos.
Reframing your current situation into moments of gratitude can change your whole perspective on burnout. Accepting the situation you’re in and having compassion for the people who bring your grief can help you grow.
A lesson that I learned from a relationship coach is that when someone bothers you, they reflect something that you don’t like in yourself and pay attention to it. This completely changed my mindset when it comes to people in my life that annoy me or cause me pain.
For example, if someone at work bothers you or always micromanages you, consider why that bothers you. Does it make you feel insecure? Why would that person be doing that? Do they feel insecure that they have to do everything to make themselves feel important?
Set Boundaries
Set healthy boundaries and enforce them. Schedule recurring time off from work and alone time for yourself for a few minutes each day. Have a set schedule for exercise, meditation, and free time for yourself each day, and don’t give up that time for anyone. If you have children, you can ask a friend or hire a babysitter to watch your children each week, so you have time to yourself.
Ask For Help
Delegate responsibilities that don’t allow you to use your core genius. If you’re stuck doing a task that doesn’t bring you joy or takes time and energy away from the things that you’re good at. Help is all around you! Ask a trusted friend, neighbor, or hire help to give you more time to focus on yourself.
Scheduled Me Days
Scheduled breaks are a must throughout the year. Setting a yearly goal for vacation will keep you refreshed and give you plenty of things to look forward to during the year. It is essential to have days off just to unplug and give yourself a little bit of tender, loving care. Then, focus on doing the things you love most.
Years ago, I would take off every Friday in summer and have a day dedicated to doing things that I love that nobody else wanted to do with me. I would go to restaurants, museums, and an occasional concert alone. Design a day that will make you smile.
Are you ready to take control to prevent burnout and find healthy ways to ease your stress and anxiety? Leave a comment below with one action step that you’ll take today. If you enjoyed this article, check out my latest The Ultimate Guide To Self-Care.

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