6 Ways How To Stay Focused
Are you constantly losing focus? We have 6 Ways How To Stay Focused to get you back on track. These are proven methods that will help you focus on your goals and be more productive.
How To Get Focused
First you need to be clear on what you want to accomplish. Make a list of your top 5 goals and write them down on a piece of paper. These can be short term goals (1-6 months) and long term goals (1-5 years).
Next, figure out which goal has priority or best chance of getting accomplished. This strategy is a great way to build momentum toward your long term goals and give you confidence.
Now write down a list of all the potential roadblocks that may get in the way of each goal. In another column right down what you can do to overcome those challenges.
One of the best books on goal setting is Jack Canfield’s “The Success Principles”. Jack provides a step by step plan to get you focused and on your way to making your dreams come true. Check out his website for more information about his books and webinars https://www.jackcanfield.com/
Get Focused
The best way to get focused is to get silent. Be quiet and listen to what God is saying to you. This may not be easy but we are all spiritual beings and need to get back to the root of who we are.
Make time to sit in silence each day for at least 10 minutes. If that’s too hard for you then start with five minutes and then add a minute each day. The only way to get clear about where you’re going in life is to step away from everyone else and go within yourself.
No Excuses
Making excuses is a waste of time and energy. Don’t bother blaming anyone else or continuously blaming yourself for things that you’ve done wrong in the past. If you have a dream go and make it happen.
Stop blaming your upbringing, lack of money, race, social class, gender, lack of education etc. There are many people in the world who have done great things with their lives with little to no money or resources. Take Mother Teresa, she was this tiny little nun who Mission was to serve God through the poorest or the poor.
She had her doubts about how she would be able to accomplish such a huge task but she had faith that God would take care of it. When you have complete trust that things will be provided for you then just watch miracles happen.
Don’t Stop Believing
Hope is a special grace that some people lack. Hope is knowing that no matter what is happening around you currently that things will get better, that there is something greater for you to do with your life
Journey’s song “Don’t Stop Believing “ has to be your mantra. You won’t know how your dream a reality but you know somehow and someday it is going to happen. You have to know that you have everything you need right now that will take you where you want to be.
Haters Gonna Hate
Take a good look at the world and the people around you. If you look closely most of the people around you probably aren’t the most positive people. When someone has a dream or wants to make a change the people around them can get jealous and some may even laugh at your dream.
This is the time when you truly have to shut out the haters and find people who have your back. This is probably the hardest part about improving your life because some people are resistant to change. Even if that change is positive for someone they love.
Be honest with yourself and make a list of the people around you that are having a negative impact on your life. This can be family members, friends, co-workers, etc. Once you figure out who is draining your energy then you will need to find a way to either limit your time within or cut them out of your life completely.
Take Action
The hard part is actually doing the work! Fear stops us from trying new things and in our comfort zone. Challenge yourself to do the opposite of fear. You will be so proud of yourself when you ask for that raise, step on that stage, or quit that job to focus on building your own business.
When you think that something is hard to make it into a fun challenge or break down the task. If you have a huge project at work sit down and write down all the task that needs to be done. If you have to delegate, then do that. Don’t let getting overwhelmed stop you from moving forward.
Let’s get started! If you enjoyed this article please read my article God’s Epic Answer To My Prayer http://www.samara-renee.com/2016/10/03/gods-epic-answer-to-my-prayer/
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