6 Ways To Cope With Coronavirus Stress
The world seems to have shut down and everyone is in a panic. Do you feel stressed out? We are here to help you! Here are 6 Ways To Cope With Coronavirus Stress.
The energy went from chill mode to OMG the world gonna end! I’ve gone to the store a couple times in the last few days and most of the shelves are empty. Being an empath I could feel the stress of the people around me, and I left feeling emotional drained.
Like thousands of Americans I’m currently on unemployment and not sure when I’ll be returning to work. Most Americans are having a hard time dealing with the stress associated with Coronavirus.
It’s not easy for me either. It’s my worst nightmare coming true. I’ve had bad dreams where I lost my job and house and it completely broke me.
Now that this has happened…. I’m actually doing fine.
Here are 6 ways that I’ve stayed calm during the outbreak.
How To Cope With Stress
Relax: Everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm the hell down. Panicking is only going to add to the chaos. Everything is going to be alright! We got this! Spend this time resting up for when you go back to work and spend quality time with your family.
Relate: Take one day at a time and put things into prospective. We have dealt with stressful situations before We will learn to cope with Coronavirus and rise above it. Focus on staying present and having gratitude for the things that you have.
Release: Have complete trust that God will take care of you and let it go. Turn off the news and try not to read every news article. Trust God!
Stay Calm
Get a grip people! It’s time to check yourself and pull it together. This down time is a great time to get your priorities straight.
Here are three questions to ask yourself:
- Am I the person that I want to be?
- Is my life filled with joy? If not, what do I need to do to be more joyful?
- How can I improve my life/relationships/career?
Is there something that you’ve been meaning to do, but you’ve been too busy to do it? This is the perfect time to add them to your new daily routine. If your a writer set aside an hour to write each day. If you haven’t been exercising then find an at home workout and get busy.
Be Still & Be Silent
When the world is crazy the best thing to do is go somewhere quiet, be still, and do nothing. This my friends is a form of meditation that you can do each day. This is a great way to get centered and bring yourself back to your root. Root to me means God. God is the root of everything and we need to trust that God will provide everything that we need.
Spending time in silence starts with eliminating distractions. Turn off your phone and go to a place where you won’t be disturbed. Quiet your mind by taking slow, deep breath. Sit with your eyes closed and breathe for five minutes. It takes practice to be able to meditate so don’t give up.
Give It To God
There are times in life when we have no control of what happens. This is one of those times. We are faced with an invisible virus that can make you very sick and even die. What we can control is wash our hands, disinfecting commonly used surfaces, and social distancing. God will take care of the rest. Have total and complete trust that God will take care of you no matter what happens.

Stay Connected
Social distancing is a necessary tool to slow the spread of the virus. Over the past week I realized how much I missed being around other people at the gym, work, church, and restaurants. Staying connected with friends and family is crucial for your mental health. Isolation is one way for people to get depressed and we don’t need any of that!
Get creative and try different forms of communication with your loved ones. Phone calls, FaceTime, video chats, text messages and emails are a few ways to stay in contact with them. We all need each other so it’s important to reach out to each other on a regular bases.
Work It!
Get off your tush and get moving. Yes, we have to practice social distancing, but it doesn’t mean that we have to get fat. If your healthy go outside and take a walk around the neighborhood, hike on a local trail. Check out Youtube or your local gym for free home workouts.
Planet Fitness is offering members free at home workouts on their Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/planetfitness
Moving your body keeps your spirits up and body in shape so you can fight off this virus if it comes your way. Make sure to drink plenty of water, eat nutrient dense foods, and take vitamins to boost your immunity.
These six tips will help you cope with the stress from the Coronavirus pandemic and keep you healthy in mind, body and soul.
If you like this article and need more ways to cope with Coronavirus stress check out my Ultimate Guide To Self-Care http://www.samara-renee.com/category/stay-true/
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