38 Most Memorable Experiences In My Life ….So Far
So, it’s my birthday! Another trek around the sun, and I wanted to acknowledge some of the most memorable experiences I’ve had, big or small, that have left me with the most joyful memories in my life so far. Do you ever find yourself getting depressed around your birthday? I certainly do and get in a major funk in October. But, I’ve had so many people tell me that I should be more grateful and shouldn’t be sad.
This year has been a doozy with dealing with my pre-birthday funk. Some of this may be my inner perfectionist looking at my life and not feeling like I’ve accomplished much. This blog entry will share some of the beautiful moments in my 38 years on earth, and I look forward to creating many more memories with my family and friends.
Meeting Mariah Carey
Still the highlight of my life! It was a dream come true. If you want to hear, the whole story check out – The Time When I Met Mariah Carey. I don’t think any experiences can top this memorable one!
The most thrilling experience was when I went skydiving to celebrate my 32nd birthday. Again I did this alone because no one else wanted to go. I had the best skydiving instructor!
Moving to San Diego
I moved to San Diego back in 2005 simply because I needed to move out. The only college I was accepted to was Cal State San Marcos, and I didn’t receive my acceptance letter until two weeks before school started! My mom helped me so much with going to orientation, buying everything I needed, and even finding my on-campus job.
Learning to drive with my Dad
My Dad taught me how to drive when I was 15. My first lesson was driving around the block a few times, and then he had me get on a major street. Then the freeway!!! My Dad was nuts, but thanks to him, I’m a decent driver.
Wild Summer of 2016
Wow, a lot can be said about the summer of 2016. I had a crazy summer fling with a German guy I met. It was fast and furious and only lasted 6 weeks before he went back home. We kept in touch for a few more months, and then things ended badly. However, I still have so many fun memories of seeing L.A. through fresh eyes, and I learned so much about the world through these memorable experiences.
Going to Disneyland in the rain
This is a fond memory with my ex going to Disneyland with my boyfriend on Christmas Day in the late afternoon. Rain was in the forecast, so we put on ponchos and hit as many rides as we could. Of course, we were soaked by the end of the night, but we laughed and felt like kids again.
Meeting my niece Faith for the first time
There’s nothing quite like the firstborn in a new generation of the family. Each first time meeting with my three other nieces and nephew are all beautiful moments but holding Faith for the first time is a moment I’ll never forget.
Graduating high school
I didn’t have the best high school experience, so I couldn’t wait to get out! I remember getting my diploma and celebrating that I could finally live my life my way.
Meeting my best friend
This was a huge moment for me especially being a shy nine-year-old. Walking home from school one day, I finally got the courage to introduce myself to my now best friend, Mary. We just moved into the neighborhood, and we always caught them staring at us. I finally had enough, and from there, it was history!
Graduating college 2008
Proud moment for me! I was the only girl from our department that graduated that year. We had the best time during graduation. We didn’t really listen to the speeches so much with all the jokes and beach balls flying through the stands.
Receiving my master’s degree
This was a huge accomplishment because I had the discipline to do the courses online even going through a bad breakup. I remember standing in line with tears in my eyes. No one really knew how miserable I felt, but I went through with the graduation.
Going to Chicago
This is an untold story of when I went to Chicago to spend a few days with the guy I was dating. It was a great trip, but things didn’t work out. The worst part was coming home and my Dad questioning me about my cell phone bill. Little did I know that cell phone documents your location! I was 18 and didn’t know any better. I lied to my Dad, which I never did before, and he was disappointed in me. (Still stings)
Getting my first tattoo
Got my first tattoo in honor of Mariah Carey with my friend Junior in Norwalk.
Starting my first job
My first job was working at the YWCA and teaching dance lessons.
Trip to Hawaii
Two-week trip with my aunt, uncle, and sister. Our favorite island was Maui, and the highlight of my trip was going to Volcano National Park.
Cruise to Ensenada
Another trip with my sister Shana, who spent most of her time in the cabin and didn’t want to do any activities. So I spent time drinking and sitting at the piano bar. My favorite memory was horseback riding and hearing her complain the whole time!
Solo in seventh grade
I was scared to death and didn’t do as well as I wanted to, but I was proud that I tried.
Making it on the drill team
I spent a year stretching and practicing just to make it on the team. Finally, all that hard work paid off!
Overnight deep sea fishing trip
Being stuck on a boat and being seasick and throwing up on yourself is not too glamorous, but it was a classic memory. From stopping at Arco to grab a burger after 24 hours of an empty stomach, and our second hand Audi shutting off as we drive down the freeway at 65 mph.
Road trip to California City
This trip was my first time seeing the space shuttle on the launching pad in the California desert. It was an amazing experience for a kid.
Christmas night van breaks down on the 605 freeway
Our van broke down on our way to drop off Christmas gifts with my family. Mom made us all get out of the car on the side of a freeway, walk up the off-ramp, and walk to the bus stop. It felt like an eternity!
Leaving my job after 13 years
This was a huge moment for me. I hoped, prayed, visualized for a better job, and it finally came. I kept my resignation letter on my mirror for two years before it happened! Ask, believe, receive!
Meeting my dog Sassy
My oldest sister bought us a new dog for Christmas, and it was the most glorious moment of my life to get my dream dog (Saint Bernard).
A summer visit to San Diego as a teenager
It was always a good time visiting my sister and her husband in San Diego. The famous chocolate cake finger caper at TGIF, train rides, and Jesus moments at the beach.
San Diego trip with my aunt and uncle
Trip with my aunt, uncle, sister, and cousin. This would be a life-changing trip for me.
First concert
Up in smoke tour with Snoop Dogg, Dr.Dre, and Eminem. I definitely got second-hand high at that concert.
Janet Jackson at the Hollywood Bowl
One of the most epic concerts ever!
Going clubbing by myself at the Gaslamp
Another wild summer at 23 years old that I needed to get out of my system. It was crazy, but I had the best time.
Confirmation experience
The most spiritual, memorable affirmation of my life so far.
Going to church for the first time in 20 years
Best decisions of my adult life.
First time I saw my current crush
One night I was at church, and I saw this glorious tall man walking down the center aisle in a suit. I had never seen him before, and in my head, I said, “Who….Is….That!”
New Year 2020 Glamping Trip Gone Bad
I had so much hope for this trip and positive vibes for 2020. But, unfortunately, I ended up slipping on ice, and our cabin was a dump and a worldwide pandemic! However, as awful as it was. It’s still up with my other most memorable experiences.
Sophomore year Disneyland trip
A random guy from the band walked up to me and wanted to hold my hand…he wasn’t the best-looking guy, but he liked me. Hence my first boyfriend had arrived.
Beverly Hills Day Trip Me-Days
An all-day trip in Beverly Hills on Rodeo Drive, the longest self-inflicted walking tour of my life, and ended on Mulholland Drive overlooking the city.
Las Vegas Family Reunion
The first time I realized how strong my Dad’s family genes are.
Camping trips to Big Bear
One family trip with both my parents to Big Bear.
Young Adult Confirmation retreat at Whispering Winds
I learned that you can be young, party and still love Jesus.
Hike to Potato Chip
The most challenging hike of my life. I kept stopping but I made it to the top.
This was a fun post to write, and I’m so glad to share some of my most memorable experiences with you! I’m looking forward to creating more memories for years to come. So what are some of your most memorable experiences? I’d love to know! Leave a comment below.
If you enjoyed this article check out my latest blog, How To Live Your Best Life.
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