28 Day Fitness Challenge
We are two months into 2022, and many of us are slowly giving up on the resolutions that we made at the beginning of January and need some friendly motivation to stay on track with our fitness goals. In this article, “28 Day Fitness Challenge,” I’ll provide you with 28 of our most simple steps to keep yourself motivated and to make small changes that will lead to big results in the next few months. All of my tips have been tested and approved by me!
Drink More Water
This might seem simple but it can be one of the most challenging changes to stay consistent with and countless trainers have said that drinking a gallon of water each day can help to flush toxins from your body, improve your energy, and of course keeps you hydrated. There are plenty of water bottles on the market that have different times printed on the bottle to help to remind you to drink water throughout the day. The only downside is that you will need to go to the bathroom a lot!
Write Your Fitness Goals Down
If you have a fitness goal you absolutely have to write it down. Make sure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely and that you review your goals on a weekly basis.
Establish A Fitness Routine
Now that you’ve written down your goals it’s time to create a fitness routine. You could lift weights, jog, take a yoga class, or hike. The most important thing is to show up and be consistent. Start with working out for 20 minutes three times a week and add an additional five minutes to your workout until you hit one hour.
Follow Through With Your Promises
If you tell yourself that you’re going to work out but don’t break your promises to yourself. You have control of what you eat and the exercises that you do so always make sure to follow through.
Learn Proper Form
Not sure if you’re lifting that weight properly? Many gyms have a free training session as part of your membership. Schedule an appointment with a trainer and ask as many questions as you want. You can also find professional trainers’ videos on YouTube to learn how to master your form.
Lift Weights
This one is pretty simple however if you’ve only been lifting 5 or 10 lb weights for the last year it’s time to step it up. Pick a weight that’s heavy enough that the last two or three reps are a challenge. Continue to increase your weight slowly over time to continue to challenge your body.
Track All Of Your Meals
Do you really know what you eat each day? Write down everything that you eat and drink each day. You can easily log your meals on apps like MyFitnessPal. Knowing how many calories are coming into your body can help you to make small adjustments in your meals that can help you lose weight or gain muscle.
Make Small Changes
It’s time to change things up! I want you to change one small change one either your nutrition or exercise plan today. This could be using the stairs instead of the elevator or adding more vegetables to your lunch or dinner.
Take Progress Photos & Measurements
Okay, this might be a challenge for you but it’s time to be brave and document your fitness journey. Take a picture of your body facing the front, back, and side. These pictures and measurements will help you to see changes in your body when your scale doesn’t. This will help to keep you motivated and give you the boost in confidence that your hard work has paid off.
Fitness Accountability Buddy
Find a friend or co-worker and become each other’s cheerleader. Having someone to be accountable to will keep you focused on your goals and have the support of a friend who’s on the same journey as you.
Find A Fitness Role Model
There are tons of inspiring stories and fitness role models on social media. Find a positive role model to learn tips from and motivate you to continue to make progress.
Walk More
Get up throughout your workday to move your body. A short 2-5 minute walk to grab a cup of coffee or walk around the block will boost your energy and mood and burn calories.
Meal Prep
Just say no to processed foods and prepare all of your meals at home on the weekend. Having your healthy meals prepared will help you make better choices and prevent you from being tempted to order food.
Sign Up For Fitness Incentive At Work
If you have a health and wellness incentive at work, sign up for it! It’s free money that you wouldn’t have otherwise and you get to improve your health.
Take A Workout Class
Challenge yourself and attend a workout class that you’ve always wanted to try.
Keep those muscles limber and stretch!
Foam Rolling
Loosen up those sore muscles with foam rolling. It can help relieve inflammation, tightness, soreness, and joint range of motion.
Change Up Your Routine
Variety is the spice of life or so they say and this includes your workout routine. Keep your body guessing by changing up your exercise and cardio options. If you need ideas watch YouTube videos or join a fitness app.
Reward yourself With A Non-Food Reward
Treat yourself to a non-food reward when you hit your monthly target goals. It could be getting a massage, buying a new outfit, or going on a fun outing. You have to celebrate the small victories when you are on your fitness journey.
Wear Fitness Clothes That You Feel Good In
Not feeling motivated to go to the gym? Maybe changing up your workout gear will help to inspire you. Find clothes that make you feel good and frame your body but are not too tight to impede movement.
Create A Fitness Vision Board
You have to know where you will get where you want to go. Find positive affirmations images of your desired fitness outcome, and create a vision board. Vision boards can easily be created on Pinterest or poster boards. Put your vision board in a place where you will see it every day and visualize how you will look and feel when you hit your goal weight.
Study Fitness & Nutrition From Experts
Inspiration and knowledge are everywhere as long as you seek them. While you’re going through your fitness journey learn from fitness and nutrition experts and then monitor your progress and find what works for you.
Start A Fitness Journal
Write down your goals, victories, setbacks, and feelings in a fitness journal. I recently started writing down how I felt being overweight (emotional and physically) so I would never forget it. Keep a daily or weekly log of your progress and review your journal entries every few months.
Get Up And Move At Work
Stand up, walk, stretch, squat every hour.
Limit Alcohol
I know this might not be the most exciting item of the challenge, but it’s simple. Alcohol has empty calories that add up and can derail your progress and sometimes triggers cravings for salty, fried foods. Don’t do it girl….limit or eliminate alcohol.
Schedule Rest Days
Your body needs a rest every now and then and rest is essential. Not only do you need proper sleep, but you need a day to give your body a chance to recover.
Update Your Workout Playlist
Let’s update those upbeat jams for your workout that will get you dancing in the gym. Tip: Apple Music has premade playlist from every artist that you can download and listen to.
Outdoor Fitness
Get out in nature and enjoy the great outdoors. Exercising outdoors changes your environment and out of a stinky gym. You can do HIIT workouts at a park, hike, or swim at your local community people.
I hope you enjoyed my 28 tips to add to your calendar in February. Start slow and easy, and then build your way up. It’s okay to start a few days late with the 28-day challenge. The most important thing is to get moving! If you enjoyed this article, check this blog post – 8 Tips and Tricks To Start Your Fitness Journey.
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