10 Ways To Step Up Your Workout

a weekly digest


We are three months into the New Year, and I’m sure that most of us have either given up on our New Years resolutions or miraculously stuck to them. I started late with my health journey. Since October I’ve been in a down mood and slowly put on the pounds over the last few months. In February I finally got a wake-up call that I needed to get my health in order and get in shape before my best friends wedding. I didn’t want to feel like a fat whale or have uncomfortable acid reflux every day. Ever since I was a kid I struggled with my weight. It’s difficult to hide the extra pounds on a 5-2 petite frame.

My older sister Sabrina is a personal trainer and for years she has been encouraging me to lift heavy weights. There has always been a fear of not being able to lift heavier weights or pure laziness. I’ve tried every diet and fitness craze and then I tend to get discouraged and give up every time.

A few months ago I found a Youtube channel that I liked and became obsessed with. Nikki Blackketter is a fitness model and successful Vlogger who has the most amazing body I’ve ever seen.  I soon discovered that she was my height and that she started to lift weights because she was tired of the way she looked and felt. She seems like a girl that I can kick it with and she is still able to eat “normal” food that she likes by tracking her macros. I also started looking at Fitspiration memes on Pinterest to help motivate me. I was inspired, but it still took me another couple of months to get back to the gym. I was hesitant to get back to the gym because I didn’t want people to be judging me or dealing with yucky guys who tried to hit on me. When I come to workout I want to be left alone! Don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, just ignore me!

Now I know that some of you (myself included) have this perception that if a girl lifts heavy weights, that she’ll end up looking like a man. Now, I’ve tried just about every diet, workout plan, and read a lot of magazines and books on nutrition. There is only one way to change your body to have the lean, sculpted look that countless women starve themselves for. The solution is: Eat Clean & Lift Heavy!  I’m sure that this isn’t as easy as taking a magical diet pill, but it will take some effort and sacrifice to get the healthy body that you deserve. There are no shortcuts to getting an athletic looking body or fitness model physic. If you don’t want to jiggle you have to gain muscle. This is the best way to burn fat so the muscle that is lying underneath can show.

Right now I’m focusing on lifting heavier weights so I can build muscle so I can burn more fat while my body is at rest. That means that I’m doing a lot less cardio than I used to do in the past. Maybe I’ve been scared to lift heavy in the past because I didn’t think that I could do it or because I was scared. The idea of lifting heavy isn’t a new concept to me. I was trained by a fitness model and bikin contest competitor about five years ago, but I gave up on my training when I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. Looking back, I realized that I didn’t have a lot of confidence and let my negative thoughts rule my results. I got my weight down to 129 lbs, but I wasn’t losing weight for the right reasons. I was doing it to get my ex-boyfriend’s attention again, not realizing that it didn’t matter what I looked like, it was just the wrong relationship to be in.

If you’ve made the decision that it’s time to make a positive change in your life, here are a few tips to help encourage you to keep pushing to hit your goals.

  1. Focus on getting healthy, not the number on the scale: There are different rules of thought when it comes to how often you should weigh yourself or if you should only measure yourself. Checking the weight on the scale is a great way to start your weight loss journey, but weighing yourself every day isn’t necessary if you’re just starting out. If your training for a competition and it’s crunch time, then tracking your weight is necessary. However, I prefer to measure myself every two weeks. The treadmill at the gym has a scale on it, so I can check it daily (but I’ll check it once a week). Focus on your measurements because you’ll be gaining muscles so your weight may not change as quickly. Your measurements will give you more encouragement to keep moving!
  2. Do it for yourself! Make sure that your workout for the right reasons. Don’t lose weight for anyone else but yourself! Workout because it will make you feel better, healthier, and stronger. When you’re not getting healthy for yourself, then your less likely to stay motivated.
  3. Stay motivated & get support: Surround yourself with like-minded people. There are tons of fitness blogs, Youtube Vloggers, and workout support communities that will help you. Pinterest is one of my favorite ways to stay motivated and find articles and memes that motivate and inspire me.
  4. Music sets the tone: Make sure you got some upbeat music to workout to. This makes a world of difference when you don’t feel like working out or your so tired that you want to give up. Recently I’ve been working out to Ciara but I have been known to put on Rocky IV soundtrack when I need an extra boost.
  5. Nutrition is everything! It’s been said that 80% of your results comes from the kitchen and 20% from working out. This is my biggest struggle! I lost a lot of weight last year doing the Whole 30, but I wasn’t exercising. I regret not working out because my results would’ve been insane! I highly recommended cooking at home and eating as clean as you can, and also drink a lot of water!
  6. Lift heavy!: Move over boys…it’s my time to shine. I love going to the gym and lifting heavier weights than some of the guys. It makes me laugh actually. Make it a goal to lift a few pounds heavier during every workout. If you’re not sweating bullets and sore, then your not lifting heavy enough. Push yourself because the more muscle you gain the faster the fat will melt away.
  7. Wear comfortable form fitting clothes: This might be uncomfortable for some, but it will help you focus on activating the muscle group that your working on and keep you focused on the areas that you need to improve.
  8. Invest in workout clothes & shoes: Having a few extra workout clothes and shoes never hurt anyone. Looking cute in the gym not only makes you feel better but can help you work harder so you can buy more! Having a good pair of shoes is also helpful for those long weekend hikes and strength training workouts.
  9. Get creative with your workouts: You don’t always have to workout at the gym. Get creative and take your workouts to the park, the beach, the school playground… practically anywhere! My favorite workouts are hikes by the beach in San Diego or the backcountry. It’s a nice way to get out of town and into nature.
  10. Get a workout buddy or trainer: Sometimes you need someone else to encourage and push you. Maybe a good friend, exercise class, or meet up group can help push you to the next level. Give it a try! You have nothing to lose…except the weight!




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